Latest KFF Health News Stories
Psiquiatra se queda cerca de casa, fiel a su promesa de la infancia
La doctora Yamanda Edwards es la única psiquiatra en el Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital. Ella decidió ejercer en el vecindario en donde creció, que tiene una necesidad acuciante de servicios de salud mental.
Psychiatrist Stays Close To Home And True To Her Childhood Promise
Yamanda Edwards is the only psychiatrist at Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, caring for residents in South Los Angeles, a community with a shortage of mental health care.
California Takes On Health Giant Over High Costs
The lawsuit is a bold move against Northern California’s dominant hospital chain, whose prices have drawn complaints for years. It has disputed such allegations in the past.
Readers Seek Transparency On Surgery Centers, ‘Bill Of The Month’ Investigations
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Sin contexto, ¿es bueno leer los resultados de exámenes médicos por internet?
En los últimos años, hospitales y consultorios han instado a los pacientes a inscribirse en los portales, para tener acceso rápido y continuo a sus registros. Pero a veces los resultados llegan antes que la voz del médico.
Without Context Or Cushion, Do Online Medical Results Make Sense?
In some cases, information now available to people without talking to a doctor can be a source of confusion and alarm and the cause of more work for doctors because it comes without adequate guidance.
Paying Hospitals To Keep People Out Of Hospitals? It Works In Maryland.
The state’s ambitious payment overhaul has begun to demonstrate savings and a change in culture, say new reports.
The Other Opioid Crisis: Hospital Shortages Lead To Patient Pain, Medical Errors
A nationwide shortage of injectable opioid painkillers has left hospitals scrambling to find alternatives — in some cases leading to dosage mistakes that may harm patients.
Nueva estrategia: hospitales internan a pacientes… en sus propias casas
Un enfoque común en Australia, Gran Bretaña y Canadá comienza a cobrar fuerza en el país: internar en sus propios hogares a los pacientes que no tienen condiciones de cuidado crítico.
From The ER To Inpatient Care — At Home
Some health systems are encouraging selected ill emergency department patients who are stable and don’t need intensive, round-the-clock care to opt for hospital-level care at home.
At Some California Hospitals, Fewer Than Half Of Workers Get The Flu Shot
Vaccinations rates have climbed significantly among hospital workers in recent years, to 83 percent. But that rate masks wide variation among facilities and types of workers. Nationally, the rules are far from uniform or ironclad.
Ten ERs In Colorado Tried To Curtail Opioids And Did Better Than Expected
The collaboration known as ALTO, Alternatives to Opioids, set out to reduce opioid doses in the emergency room by 15 percent. It managed a 36 percent reduction instead.
Bad Bedside Manna: Bank Loans Signed In The Hospital Leave Patients Vulnerable
Hospitals increasingly team up with lending institutions to offer low- or no-interest loans to patients to make sure their bills get paid. But critics say the complexity of hospital pricing means consumers should be cautious.
Entrenando al Dr. Robot: tecnología de Google y Amazon llega a la atención médica
Algoritmos similares a los de Facebook, Google y Amazon pueden ayudar a detectar posibles patrones de infecciones en hospitales, y a predecir el riesgo de los pacientes de contagiarse.
The Training Of Dr. Robot: Data Wave Hits Medical Care
Algorithms and other technologies are moving from research labs to hospitals and clinics to predict and combat disease.
Reportan más casos de una infección por un hongo extraño y mortal
En 2016 se registraron solo siete casos, pero a finales de 2017 sumaron 200. El Candida auris es resistente a muchos antibióticos y se disemina en ámbitos hospitalarios.
Could A Rare, Deadly ‘Superbug’ Fungus Be Gaining A Foothold?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the number of confirmed cases of Candida auris in the U.S. has climbed from seven in 2016 to at least 200.
Hospitales ponen en marcha mejores planes luego de enfrentar desastres
Los hospitales se están preparando para enfrentar mejor los desastres naturales y las tragedias que han puesto a prueba su respuesta a emergencias.
Hospitals’ Best-Laid Plans Upended By Disaster
An onslaught of fires, shootings and storms across the country last year tested hospital readiness. Now, leaders are using their experiences to address shortcomings that surfaced amid the chaos.
Hospital Honchos Hone New Message In Wake Of Opioid Epidemic: Expect Pain
“We really do have a lot of responsibility and culpability,” says one hospital official who is part of a working group trying to address the opioid epidemic. Patients have to expect more pain after surgery and understand the risk of addiction, says another doctor.