Latest KFF Health News Stories
California podría ofrecer cupones de alimentos a inmigrantes indocumentados
Los demócratas de la legislatura estatal propusieron este año expandir el programa de cupones de alimentos financiado por el estado para abarcar a inmigrantes que viven en el país sin papeles.
California Takes a Nibble at Offering Food Stamps to Undocumented Immigrants
Food insecurity soared during the pandemic, including among unauthorized immigrants, who are not eligible for federally funded food stamps. California’s Democratic lawmakers want to expand the benefit to that population, but opponents cite the massive ongoing cost to the state.
Una misión: voluntarios ofrecen atención médica a refugiados hacinados en la frontera
Un número récord de migrantes está realizando el largo viaje hacia la frontera. La Oficina de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de Estados Unidos detuvo a 180,034 personas en la frontera sur en mayo, un aumento del 78% desde febrero.
‘It’s a Mission’: Volunteers Treat Refugees Massing at the Border
A growing number of Mexican and Central American migrants are trying to cross into the U.S. at the southern border. Volunteers at one free clinic in Tijuana tend to the health needs of migrants waiting for their immigration cases to come up — and simply trying to survive in packed and dangerous encampments.
Nurses and Docs at Long Beach Center ‘Consider It an Honor’ to Care for Migrant Children
Health care workers find it easy to empathize with Central American children after their painful journeys to the U.S.
For Kurdish Americans in Nashville, a Beloved Leader’s Death Prompts Vaccine Push
Some immigrant groups are closing the ethnic gap on COVID-19 shots. For many Kurdish Americans, their fears about vaccination are entangled with their experiences in refugee camps after fleeing Iraq.
Dos grupos que apoyan a médicos están vinculados a organizaciones antiinmigrantes
Dado que el porcentaje de estudiantes de medicina estadounidenses sin plaza aumenta cada año y el número de residencias se mantiene básicamente igual, más personas podrían sentirse atraídas por grupos como Doctors Without Jobs.
Two Unmatched-Doctor Advocacy Groups Are Tied to Anti-Immigrant Organizations
The percentage of medical students who can’t find residencies is increasing every year. But as more graduates look for support, they might not realize that two organizations offering it are backed by anti-immigrant groups.
How Much of Trump’s Health Agenda Has Biden Undone?
In his campaign, President Joe Biden promised to undo policies, particularly health policies, implemented by former President Donald Trump. Yet, despite immense executive power, reversing four years of action takes time and resources.
Indocumentados, esenciales pero excluidos del apoyo financiero por la pandemia
La mayoría realiza trabajos considerados esenciales y muchos pagan impuestos. Pero han quedado fuera de la ayuda financiera federal por la pandemia.
Without a Pandemic Safety Net, Immigrants Living Illegally in US Fall Through the Cracks
Many undocumented immigrants are essential workers at high risk of exposure to the virus — and the pandemic’s economic crash — with no direct access to federal financial lifelines available to U.S. citizens.
El discurso anti inmigrante complica la vacunación contra covid en estados del sur
Mientras el país se embarca en la abrumadora tarea de vacunar, a muchos funcionarios de salud se les dificulta la tarea de vacunar a 11 millones de indocumentados.
Anti-Immigrant Vitriol Complicates Vaccine Rollout in Southern States
Inoculating the millions of undocumented workers who produce America’s agricultural bounty will be key to achieving herd immunity against covid-19. But garnering the trust of these workers is proving complicated, particularly in the South, where the last four years have been marked by workplace raids and anti-immigrant vitriol.
Scalise’s Claim That Unauthorized Immigrants Are Getting Priority for Vaccination Misses the Point
Congressman Steve Scalise claimed during a Fox News interview that President Joe Biden was allowing immigrants to “jump the line” ahead of Americans for vaccination. But the administration merely has said everyone should have access to the vaccine, regardless of immigration status, and get vaccinated when eligible.
La afirmación de Scalise de que los indocumentados tienen prioridad para vacunarse no tiene sentido
Es importante que todos se vacunen, independientemente del estatus migratorio, no solo como una buena práctica de salud pública, sino también desde una perspectiva ética y humana.
California Lawmakers to Newsom: Give All Immigrants Health Coverage
Given the pandemic’s disproportionate hit on minority communities, two Democratic lawmakers are pushing Newsom to agree to offer health care to all unauthorized immigrants. They planned to unveil legislation Monday — and a new strategy to make it happen.
Republican Convention, Day 4: Fireworks … and Shining a Light on Trump’s Claims
Donald Trump accepted his party’s nomination to seek reelection for a second term as president in front of a partisan audience that appeared to largely lack masks and opt against social distancing.
They Cared for Some of New York’s Most Vulnerable Communities. Then 12 Died.
Immigrant health workers help keep the U.S. health system afloat — and they’re dying of COVID-19 at high rates.
Inmigrantes y personas de minorías entre los más de 1,000 trabajadores de salud muertos por COVID
El virus ha cobrado un precio desproporcionado en las comunidades de color y entre los inmigrantes, y los trabajadores de salud no se han librado de esa tendencia.
Many People of Color, Immigrants Among Over 1,000 US Health Workers Lost to COVID
The Guardian and KHN release new figures showing that, among health care workers, a disproportionate number of immigrants and minorities have died.