Latest KFF Health News Stories
Some GOP Congress Members Could Pay Politically For ACA Repeal Vote
Some political analysts and community advocates say members of California’s Republican congressional delegation, which voted unanimously for the House bill, could be haunted at the polls.
Proyecto de salud republicano: 5 discusiones para seguir de cerca
Después de semanas de tensiones, la Cámara de Representantes logró votar el jueves 4 de mayo su propuesta de ley para reemplazar la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible por un apretado voto de 217-213. Pero la batalla no termina aquí…
A Squeaker In The House Becomes Headache For The Senate: 5 Things To Watch
With a slim margin, Senate Republicans must tread a fine line to pass their health replacement bill.
Blue Shield CEO Says GOP’s ‘Flawed’ Health Bill Would Harm Sicker Consumers
CEO Paul Markovich said he opposes the Republican plan because it would allow insurers to once again discriminate against people with preexisting conditions. “We are better than that,” he said.
California Lawmakers Consider Mandatory Labels On Salon Products To Protect Workers
Bill would require disclosure of potentially harmful chemicals used in hair treatments, nail polish and other substances used in salons.
Nonprofit Linked To PhRMA Rolls Out Campaign To Block Drug Imports
The advocacy group behind an expensive media blitz opposing Canadian drug imports has deep ties to the drug industry’s largest trade group.
As California Weighs Soda Warning Labels, Tax In Berkeley Shown To Dilute Sales
Sales of sugary drinks dropped in the city by nearly 10 percent a year after tax took effect in 2015, while bottled water sales rose, researchers report.
Florida Congressman Draws Jeers At Home For Backing Failed GOP Health Care Plan
Rep. Brian Mast, a first-term Republican congressman, defends his party’s push to repeal Obamacare in a meeting with constituents but concedes its health care plan needs more work.
Can We Tax Away The Opioid Crisis?
Lawmakers in California, like their counterparts in Congress, are considering a tax that would pay for addiction prevention and treatment efforts.
California Presses Forward In Fight To Regulate Pharma
Such efforts have previously failed in the face of opposition from the drug industry, which questions their effectiveness and contends prices reflect research and development costs.
¿Es posible lograr un seguro de salud universal para todos?
Mientras los líderes republicanos se vuelven a organizar para reconsiderar sus planes de “derogar y reemplazar” el Obamacare, los defensores de la cobertura de salud universal avanzan con nuevos proyectos.
While Washington Fiddles, Calif. Leaders Forge Ideas For Universal Health Care
But it could take years to achieve coverage for everyone — if it happens at all.
House Leaders ‘Came Up Short’ In Effort To Kill Obamacare
President Trump and Speaker Ryan agree to withdraw their legislation that would overhaul the federal health law.
Insurers May Notch Bigger Profits From Fewer Customers In ‘Trumpcare’
As Congress and the White House try to strike a bargain on an Obamacare repeal plan, the insurance industry likes what it’s seeing.
Popular Guarantee For Young Adults’ Coverage May Be Health Law’s Achilles’ Heel
Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but both parties want to keep the health law’s provision to allow adults to stay on their parents’ plan until age 26. But that could be hurting the marketplace’s insurance pools.
As health care issues hit center stage in Washington again, Kaiser Health News reporters hold forth on a number of radio and television shows.
Trump’s Promise To Rein In Drug Prices Could Open Floodgate To Importation Laws
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ bill to allow Americans to buy cheaper medicines from Canada would bypass a requirement that blocked past legislative efforts over two decades.
¿Habla el idioma de la ley de salud? Haga click en los globos para aprenderlo
La siguiente es una guía simple para entender el lenguaje complicado que usan los políticos para referirse a temas clave del Obamacare y la nueva propuesta republicana de salud.
KHN On Call: Answers To Questions On Tax Credits, Penalties And Age Ratings
KHN and NPR answer your questions on the GOP health bill.
GOP’s 3-Bucket Strategy To Repeal And Replace Health Law Is Springing Leaks
Republican leaders say that to dismantle Obamacare it will take not just the bill now being debated in the House, but also regulatory changes and other bills to come later. Some party members say that plan is not realistic.