Latest KFF Health News Stories
The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Exchange enrollees and insurers fret over a lawsuit that could end federal help with copays and deductibles.
La próxima batalla del Obamacare: subsidios para gastos de bolsillo
Los subsidios que ayudan a las personas con sus copagos y deducibles, distintos a los créditos impositivos para pagar las primas, están en medio de una batalla legal luego de una demanda republicana.
Sticker Shock Forces Thousands Of Cancer Patients To Skip Drugs, Skimp On Treatment
A growing number of patients fail to fill prescriptions because the cost of cancer drugs is too high.
Americans Not Sold On Cost And Coverage Claims In GOP’s Health Bill
Nearly half of the people in this month’s Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll believe the Republican legislation will increase the number of uninsured Americans and increase coverage costs.
Families To Pay Price If Maternity Care Coverage Is Cut By GOP
Before the health law, buying an individual policy that included coverage for pregnancy and labor was extremely difficult.
Instead Of Trashing A $600 EpiPen, Some Patients Get A Refill
Epinephrine, the active ingredient in EpiPens, expires after 18 months, and the auto-injector device can’t be refilled or reused. Health professionals are looking for work-arounds they say could save the health system millions.
Tackling Patients’ Social Problems Can Cut Health Costs
Intense, “high touch” care that focuses on housing as well as health care brings down medical costs for the most expensive patients. But it’s been hard to replicate successful programs.
Sin Obamacare, ¿qué pasará con el seguro de salud a través de su empleo?
Si piensas que porque tienes seguro de salud a través de tu trabajo en una gran compañía, no te afectará si los republicanos cambian el Obamacare, piénsalo dos veces. Muchas de las provisiones de la ley también aplican a los planes ofrecidos por grandes empleadores.
Large Employer Health Plans Could Also See Some Impacts From Obamacare Overhaul
With the future of Obamacare on the line, workers might want to consider what benefits they have gained through the landmark law.
Enfermos… ¿y en bancarrota? Consumidores gastarán más en drogas en 2017
En 2017, muchos más planes de salud en los mercados de seguros requerirán que los consumidores paguen una sustancial parte del costo de los medicamentos más caros, dicen, para disuadir a pacientes muy enfermos de elegir sus planes.
Need Pricey Drugs From An Obamacare Plan? You’ll Shoulder More Of The Cost
A Kaiser Health News analysis finds that the portion of federal marketplace plans requiring people to pay a third or more of the cost of specialty drugs have jumped from 37 to 63 percent since 2014.
Healthy Customers, And Those With Major Medical Needs, May Want Bronze Plans
The bronze plans’ lower premiums — coupled with the health law’s out-of-pocket-spending protections — may make these policies an attractive option.
Drug Prices, Not The Health Law, Top Voters’ Health Priorities For 2017
Majorities of Democrats, Republicans and independents support making sure high-cost drugs for chronic conditions are affordable.
California Aims To Limit Surprise Medical Bills
The problem, known as balance billing, happens when patients are treated by an out-of-network professional at an in-network facility. Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign the legislation.
Studies: Employer Costs Slow As Consumers Use Less Care, Deductibles Soar
Cost pressures may induce patients to forego needed care, some worry.
EpiPen Controversy Fuels Concerns Over Generic Drug Approval Backlog
Four years after a huge push to speed generics to market, the FDA has more than 4,000 generics waiting for approval.
‘Simple Choice Plans’ To Debut In 2017 Marketplace Enrollment
The standardized policy options would provide a way for consumers to make apples-to-apples comparisons.
People With Obamacare Plans Filled More Prescriptions, But Had Lower Costs
A study explores how coverage gains resulting from the federal health law may have changed people’s health care habits and spending.
Insurers May Share Blame For Some Generics’ Price Hikes
News reports have led many consumers to blame drugmakers for the rapidly rising costs of some commonly used generic drugs. But changes made by insurers often play a major role, too.
Majority Of Texans And Floridians Want Medicaid Expansion, Survey Shows
Residents of California, New York and Ohio approve of Medicaid expansion in those states, the survey by a Houston-based think tank found.