Latest KFF Health News Stories
Cancer, Schmancer. In California, Coffee Is King
The Golden State, with the rare support of the Trump administration, is seeking to circumvent a court order that would require cancer warnings in every establishment that sells a hot cup of Joe.
¡Alerta para padres! Tu hijo puede estar “vapeando” más que tabaco
Estudiantes de escuela media están empezando a consumir una mezcla de tabaco con marihuana en dispositivos que parecen bolígrafos o flash drives.
Parent Alert! Your Kid May Be Vaping More Than Nicotine
Educators and researchers say that as vaping becomes more common among young people, some are putting pot in their pods.
La administración Trump facilita aún más la venta de planes de salud de corto plazo
Estos planes son más económicos pero su cobertura es mínima, y no cumplen con las protecciones establecidas por la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA).
Trump Administration Loosens Restrictions On Short-Term Health Plans
The administration says these plans, which can now last as long as 12 months and be renewed for two years, will give consumers another less-pricey insurance option. Critics say the new rule is yet another swipe at the Affordable Care Act.
Trump Proposes Cutting Planned Parenthood Funds. What Does That Mean?
The Trump administration is pulling out an old regulation that it believes will be able to meet a key conservative goal: withholding some federal funding for Planned Parenthood in the government’s family planning program.
Por qué Trump quiere quitarle fondos a Planned Parenthood
La reactivación de una norma que data de la presidencia de Ronald Reagan podría ayudar al presidente a cumplir su promesa de campaña de “cancelar” Planned Parenthood.
La administración Trump propone norma para planes de salud de corto plazo
Estos planes durarían doce meses. Son más accesibles, pero su cobertura es más limitada. Y pueden rechazar a personas con condiciones preexistentes.
Trump Administration Proposes Rule To Loosen Curbs On Short-Term Health Plans
The policy change is likely to entice younger and healthier people from the general insurance pool by allowing a range of lower-cost options that don’t include all the benefits required by the federal health law.
Trump’s Work-For-Medicaid Rule Puts Work On States’ Shoulders
States that opt to change their Medicaid program must figure out how to delineate who is covered by the new mandate, how to enforce the rules and how to handle the people seeking exemptions.
Trump Administration Clears Way To Force Some Medicaid Enrollees To Work
Allowing states to mandate that non-disabled Medicaid enrollees work as a condition for coverage would mark one of the biggest changes to the program since it began more than 50 years ago. A decision on the first of the state requests could come within days.
High Praise: Pot Churches Proliferate As States Ease Access To Marijuana
Churches that offer marijuana as a sacrament are popping up across California and the U.S., vexing state and local officials who say they’re simply pot shops in disguise.
Nursing Home Disaster Plans Often Faulted As ‘Paper Tigers’
Too often enforcement of rules for dealing with crisis is lax, advocates for nursing home residents say.
Transgender Health Care Targeted In Crusade To Undo ACA
HHS Secretary Tom Price and President Donald Trump have vowed to use administrative powers to mitigate the health law rules that created “burdens” or that don’t match up with their agenda.
Defensores desconfían de nuevas reglas para inscribir en planes de salud en el otoño
En el otoño, corredores y aseguradoras podrán guiar a los consumidores en el proceso para obtener un plan de salud de principio a fin. Pero algunos piensan que no mostrarán todas las opciones por igual, sino aquéllas por las que obtendrían una comisión.
Consumer Advocates Wary Of New Marketplace Rules For Brokers
Federal officials relaxed their rules this month about how brokers and insurers can work with individuals to apply for health law policies.
Muerte por 1,000 recortes: cómo pueden los republicanos alterar su cobertura de salud
Los peores enemigos de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible ahora están a cargo. Y están discutiendo cambios que podrían afectar a una más amplia red de planes de empleadores y a la cobertura del Medicare para los adultos mayores.
Death By 1,000 Cuts: How Republicans Can Still Alter Your Coverage
There are many ways beyond legislative repeal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to unravel the Affordable Care Act.
Trump’s Effort To Lure Consumers To Exchanges Could Bring Skimpier Plans
The changes proposed by the administration for the health law marketplaces in 2018 could increase customers’ out-of-pocket costs and reduce the amount they receive in premium tax credits.
‘The Trump Of Georgia’ Goes To Washington
With high-level connections in the Capitol, Parker “Pete” Petit aims to resolve regulatory issues that have haunted his wound care company.