Latest KFF Health News Stories
Over-The-Counter Devices Hold Their Own Against Costly Hearing Aids
In a head-to-head comparison, several of the cheaper devices performed nearly as well as the expensive hearing aids. The study lends credence to lawmakers’ efforts to get the FDA to set standards for over-the-counter versions.
Depression Among Heart Attack Survivors Can Be Deadly, Yet Is Often Ignored
One in 5 heart attack patients suffers from severe depression, yet many get little or no treatment that could ease their suffering or save their lives.
DNA Links Deadly Germs, Tainted Heart Surgery Devices To German Factory
LivaNova plant in Germany is the likely source behind outbreak that has sickened more than 100 people since 2013.
Drop In Sudden Cardiac Arrests Linked To Obamacare
A study published by the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that sudden cardiac arrests dropped by 17 percent in one Oregon county after people gained health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.
Patients With Mental Disorders Get Half Of All Opioid Prescriptions
A study finds that nearly 19 percent of people with mental illnesses use prescription drugs, while only 5 percent of other people do.
Lead Detected In 20% Of Baby Food Samples, Surprising Even Researchers
An analysis by the Environmental Defense Fund found lead more commonly in baby food than in other food. Lead was often present in fruit juice, though the research did not measure the level of contamination.
AARP: States Lag In Keeping Medicaid Enrollees Out Of Nursing Homes
States are not doing enough to help elderly and disabled Medicaid enrollees receive services in homes and community locations instead of in nursing homes, where care is more expensive, AARP report says.
Medical Responses To Opioid Addiction Vary By State, Analysis Finds
The study also found that the largest percentage of medical coverage claims related to opioid abuse and dependence nationally come from older patients — those ages 51 to 60.
GOP Medicaid Cuts Hit Rural America Hardest, Report Finds
Medicaid covers more children and adults in rural counties and small towns than in urban areas and rural America would be affected most by changes in Medicaid.
As Government-Funded Cancer Research Sags, Scientists Fear U.S. Is ‘Losing Its Edge’
More of the research studies being presented at the world’s largest annual gathering of cancer scientists comes from abroad.
‘You’ve Got Mail’: Emails And Robocalls Hit Home In Promoting Medicaid Enrollment
An Oregon study finds that spending a lot more money to reach out personally to low-income residents eligible for Medicaid doesn’t bring an advantage.
For Knee Pain, Experts Say Don’t Think About Scoping It
Writing in the journal BMJ, an international group of experts and patients say arthroscopic surgery on the knee does not provide lasting relief.
Expertos cuestionan eficacia de la cirugía de rodilla más popular
Un panel internacional desafió la eficacia de uno de los procedimientos ortopédicos más comunes y recomendó fuertemente no realizar la cirugía artroscópica en pacientes con problemas degenerativos de rodilla.
Nearly 1 In 3 Recent FDA Drug Approvals Followed By Major Safety Actions
More than 70 drugs approved from 2001 through 2010 ran into safety concerns later that resulted in withdrawals from the market, “black box” warnings or other actions.
‘Center Of Excellence’ Designation Doesn’t Rule Out Complications Of Bariatric Surgery
The risk of serious problems varies widely among bariatric surgery centers, a new study finds.
Stalking the ‘Unknown Enemy’: Doctors Turn Scope On Rare Diseases
An NIH-funded network of hospitals uses advanced genetic science and nationwide collaboration to diagnose rare and sometimes undiscovered diseases.
As California Weighs Soda Warning Labels, Tax In Berkeley Shown To Dilute Sales
Sales of sugary drinks dropped in the city by nearly 10 percent a year after tax took effect in 2015, while bottled water sales rose, researchers report.
Nueva preocupación para las familias con fumadores: el humo de tercera mano
Nuevos hallazgos ponen de relieve los esfuerzos de la comunidad científica por identificar los peligros potenciales de otro subproducto de los cigarrillos que está al alcance de la mano de un niño.
A New Worry For Smokers’ Families: ‘Thirdhand Smoke’
The chemical residue from cigarette smoke that can cling to walls, clothes and skin may present a danger to children.
As Some Holdout States Revisit Medicaid Expansion, New Data Show It Pays Off
Researchers concluded that because the federal government picked up so much of the tab of expanding eligibility for the low-income insurance program, expansion states didn’t have to skimp on other policy priorities to make ends meet.