Latest KFF Health News Stories
This Time When My Water Breaks, Take Me To A Hospital Without Surprise Bills
New research shows how an experience with surprise medical bills can guide patients’ future decision-making.
Discharged, Dismissed: ERs Often Miss Chance To Set Overdose Survivors On ‘Better Path’
Only a small percentage of people who survived an opioid overdose received in the next year some form of drug abuse treatment, according to an analysis of West Virginia Medicaid claims data. Experts say the findings underscore a national disconnect.
Two Crises In One: As Drug Use Rises, So Does Syphilis
A significant portion of syphilis transmission in heterosexuals occurs among people who use drugs, particularly methamphetamine, a new report shows. Public health officials warn that you can’t treat one problem without addressing the other.
Dos crisis en una: a medida que aumenta el uso de drogas, también lo hace la sífilis
Las tasas de sífilis están estableciendo récords a nivel nacional. Las más altas se han estado registrando en Nevada, California y Louisiana.
Seniors Aging In Place Turn To Devices And Helpers, But Unmet Needs Are Common
A new study examines how seniors with deteriorating strength and other physical functions deal with such challenges as taking a shower or getting dressed in the morning.
La locura de los scooters en Austin pone a la velocidad como principal preocupación
Hay 14,000 patinetas eléctricas en la ciudad de Texas, en donde se han registrado múltiples accidentes, tanto de conductores como de peatones.
Scooter Madness In Austin Puts Safety Concerns In High Gear
As Austin and other cities across the USA deal with the invasion of e-scooters, injuries mount — along with calls for regulations. The findings from a CDC study may shed light on solutions.
Task Force Outlines Strategy To Address California’s Shortfall Of Health Workers
A new report by a coalition of health, education and labor leaders concludes that the state must build a larger and more culturally diverse pool of medical, mental health and home care professionals to meet the needs of a growing population. The findings point to a big challenge for Gov. Gavin Newsom as he seeks to extend health insurance to many of California’s nearly 3 million uninsured residents.
Adultos mayores vulnerables logran volver a ser independientes
El programa para personas mayores vulnerables de bajos ingresos Community Aging in Place — Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) ayuda a los abuelos a vivir independientemente.
Frail Seniors Find Ways To Live Independently
A pilot program for frail low-income seniors provides much-needed help in dealing with “daily activities” and offers practical solutions.
Alcohol-Linked Disease Overtakes Hep C As Top Reason For Liver Transplant
New research suggests that attitudes toward liver transplant candidates who have a history of alcohol abuse are softening.
County By County, Researchers Link Opioid Deaths To Drugmakers’ Marketing
A JAMA study looking at county-specific federal data finds that the more opioid-related marketing dollars spent in a county, the higher rates of doctors who prescribed those drugs, and ultimately, more overdose deaths.
En emergencias, paramédicos confrontan el prejuicio racial
El sesgo inconsciente puede ser sutil, pero, como muestra el informe, puede ser uno de los factores detrás de las disparidades de salud por raza en el país.
Emergency Medical Responders Confront Racial Bias
In a recent study of patients treated by emergency medical responders in Oregon, black patients were 40 percent less likely to get pain medicine than their white peers. Why?
End Of Tax Penalty Could Fall Hardest On Previously Uninsured Californians
A new report shows that Hispanics, young people, the healthy and the poor — all groups with high rates of uninsurance before the Affordable Care Act — are the most likely to forgo insurance now that the tax penalty for not having it has been eliminated.
After Bitter Closure, Rural Texas Hospital Defies The Norm And Reopens
The 25-bed hospital in Crockett, Texas, abruptly closed its doors in 2017, joining the ranks of nearly 100 rural hospitals that have shut down in the past decade. But the community kept the faith and several doctors reopened the facility this year.
El año del “vapeo”: dramático aumento del uso de cigarrillos electrónicos en jóvenes
El “vaping” va en contra de la tendencia: el consumo de alcohol, de tabaco tradicional y de marihuana están bajando. El cigarrillo electrónico crece.
The Year Of The Vape: Teen E-Cigarette Use Spikes
More than a third of high school seniors said they have vaped in the past year — up nearly 10 percentage points from the previous year. The dramatic jump comes despite efforts by public health officials, educators and lawmakers to reverse the e-cigarette trend among youths, including a recent proposal to ban retail sales of flavored tobacco products in California.
Nuevo estudio confirma que la dieta mediterránea sí reduce el riesgo cardíaco
Un estudio que analizó el consumo de esta dieta en 25,000 mujeres, por 12 años, comprobó sus virtudes y cómo actúa el factor preventivo.
Even When Not In Rome, Eat A Mediterranean Diet To Cut Heart Disease Risk
New research not only confirms the heart health benefits of a Mediterranean-style diet, but also tracks these benefits over the long term.