Latest KFF Health News Stories
As U.S. Suicide Rates Rise, Hispanics Show Relative Immunity
Support from family and community appear to shield Latinos from rising suicide rates, researchers say.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ (Almost) Live from Austin!
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News and Alice Ollstein of Politico talk about how health issues will play in midterm elections, the Trump administration’s move that could penalize legal immigrants who use government aid programs, and other topics. Due to technical difficulties, the original discussion taped Sept. 27 at the 2018 Texas Tribune Festival could not be broadcast, so the panelists reconvened from Austin and Washington on Sept. 28.
Threat To The ACA Turns Up The Heat On Attorney General Races
As Republican and Democratic attorneys general square off on a Texas case that threatens to dismantle consumer protections in the federal health law, campaigns across the country for states’ highest legal officer get hotter.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Health Policy Goes To Court
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Alice Ollstein of Politico talk about the latest court challenge to the Affordable Care Act, nomination hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and news from the reproductive health front. Plus, Rovner interviews Chad Terhune about the latest KHN/NPR “Bill of the Month” installment.
Listen: The GOP Case Against ACA’s Preexisting Condition Protections Begins
Oral arguments got underway in federal court in Fort Worth, Texas, on Wednesday in the lawsuit brought by 20 Republican states seeking to declare the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional.
A Texas Lawsuit Being Heard This Week Could Mean Life Or Death For The ACA
On Wednesday, a federal judge in Fort Worth, Texas, is set to hear arguments from Republican attorneys general who want him to strike down the federal health law and from Democratic counterparts who say the law is constitutional and should remain.
Texas Clinics Busting Traditional Silos Of Mental And Physical Health Care
Efforts to provide care that integrates physical and mental health services are spreading, partly because untreated mental health conditions negatively affect physical health and escalate health care costs.
Por miedo a la deportación, padres sacan a sus niños de programas de salud
El miedo que está generando la política de “tolerancia cero” hace que padres sin papeles retiren a sus niños de programas de atención médica críticos.
Fearing Deportation, Immigrant Parents Are Opting Out Of Health Benefits For Kids
Advocates in Texas say immigrant families, nervous about a higher degree of scrutiny in applications for health and food benefits, are choosing to drop out of Medicaid and SNAP for citizen children.
Most Texans Want State To Expand Medicaid And Help Poor Get Health Care
Texans think the Legislature should expand Medicaid to more low-income people and make health care more affordable, according to a survey released today from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Episcopal Health Foundation.
Alarming Suicide Rate Jolts Texas Community Into Action
Tyler, Texas, and the surrounding county has the highest suicide rate among the state’s 25 most populous counties, and community leaders are determined to change that.
Personas con discapacidades quieren tener voz en el debate sobre el control de armas
Muchas veces, las voces de los propios sobrevivientes de la violencia con armas no son escuchadas. Una encuesta en Texas revela qué piensan.
Texas Disability Groups Want A Voice At The Table In Gun Debate
A disability rights groups in Texas wants to make sure people who’ve been disabled by gun violence in Texas get a chance to talk to lawmakers.
‘Rock Star’ Navigator On Mission To Clear Health Insurance Hurdles For Vietnamese
In Texas, the uninsured rate among Vietnamese immigrants is nearly double the national rate. Navigators there are working to reverse that.
Texans With HIV Cope With Homes And Medicines Ruined By Hurricane Harvey
The hurricane closed pharmacies and clinics for a week or longer. Floodwaters spoiled drugs. People who fled to other states couldn’t get their prescriptions filled for HIV medicine.
Aseguradoras apelan a la ternura con cachorros para vender planes del Obamacare
En un período abierto de inscripción lleno de desafíos, las compañías usan fuertes historia de vida y perritos, para vender planes de salud.
Insurer Tries A Soft Touch — Puppies! — For This Year’s Hard Sell Of Obamacare Plans
Open enrollment for health insurance on the Affordable Care Act exchanges started last week. Across the country, municipalities, insurers and grass-roots groups are working hard to help folks navigate the hoops.
Flat-Fee Primary Care Helps Fill Niche For Texas’ Uninsured
Doctors offering this care charge a monthly fee for services that can be handled in the office. But patient advocates warn it is not insurance and offers no coverage for hospital or specialist care.
Years After Silently Combating Sexual Trauma, Female Veterans Seek Help
Many women who served in the military decades ago were victims of sexual assaults but often felt compelled to keep quiet.
A Tale Of Two States: California, Texas And The Latest ACA Repeal Bid
In the GOP’s attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, California would lose a lot of federal funding. Texas would gain a lot in the short term, but experts worry Texas would not use the money well.