To Stoke Rural Vaccination Rates, Trusted Farmers Are Asked to Spread Word
Rural health experts are calling on trusted agricultural leaders — like farmers and ranchers — to use their understanding of science and nudge vaccine-hesitant neighbors to roll up their sleeves for a covid shot. But some farmers say they doubt they can change anyone’s mind.
Covid Politics and Fatigue Work Against Contact-Tracing Foot Soldiers
Local health officials find themselves once again behind the covid curve as the delta variant drives their case counts. With resources already stretched, along with the politicization of covid-19, county and state health departments in places like Missouri and Texas are making tough calls on whom to trace.
If the Unvaccinated Want to Work, They Face a Series of Hurdles
As employers create safety protocols for workers who refuse vaccination, we ask experts if they really work. Or is the point to pressure employees into getting a shot?
Lo que debes saber sobre el refuerzo de la vacuna contra covid
La administración de Biden anunció el miércoles 18 de agosto planes para ofrecer refuerzos de la vacuna contra covid-19 a todos los adultos estadounidenses a partir del próximo mes.
Science Shows Mask-Wearing Is Largely Safe for Children
Scientists have found little evidence that the kind of masks worn by students negatively affect oxygen or carbon dioxide levels.
Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by Covid Shot
A national vaccine court has paid out billions to families who could prove their kids were injured by vaccines. But there’s only a skeletal program for the rare victims of covid vaccination, raising concerns as the pressure for mandated shots grows.
The White House Says Boosters for All. Here’s What You Need to Know.
Federal officials are preparing to offer those who received Pfizer or Moderna covid vaccines a third dose in September. But the FDA and CDC are still reviewing the data for final clearance.
Have Vaccines, Will Travel: On the Road With a Covid Entrepreneur
While many businesses scaled back at the height of the pandemic, one Montana man used covid-19 to open his own mobile pharmacy. He’s now bringing covid shots to Montana’s vaccine deserts while filling his wallet. But he cannot fill all the vaccination gaps.
In Rural America, Twisting Arms to Take a Covid Vaccine First Takes Trust
In communities across the country, the Cooperative Extension System, the same organization that supports 4-H clubs nationally, is tapping its roots in rural communities to promote vaccines. But its approach to getting people vaccinated in many communities, including Cairo, Illinois, must be nuanced.
Mensaje del CEO de Pfizer al público: confíen en nosotros con el refuerzo de la vacuna contra covid
Pfizer anunció su ensayo global de fase 3 sobre una tercera dosis a mediados de julio. La fecha de finalización de ese ensayo es en 2022. Los resultados de la fase 3 suelen ser necesarios antes de la aprobación oficial.
Millions of Americans with weakened immune systems are weighing a return to workplaces as the delta variant of covid surges and while awaiting guidance about additional vaccine shots.
Pfizer CEO to Public: Just Trust Us on the Covid Booster
As pharmaceutical companies declare a need for boosters, scientists and doctors emphasize there’s no proof yet.
KHN’s ‘What the Health?’: The Senate Acts
The U.S. Senate worked well into its scheduled August recess to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill and a budget blueprint that outlines a much larger bill — covering key health priorities — to be written this fall. Meanwhile, the latest surge of covid is making both employers and schools rethink their opening plans. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Mary Ellen McIntire of CQ Roll Call and Yasmeen Abutaleb of The Washington Post join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss these issues and more. Also, for “extra credit,” the panelists suggest their favorite health policy stories of the week they think you should read, too.
Más embarazadas con covid en cuidados intensivos, expertos enfatizan que deben vacunarse
La baja tasa de vacunación en este grupo es sorprendente, señalan médicos. Al 31 de julio, solo el 23% de las embarazadas habían recibido al menos una dosis de la vacuna contra el coronavirus, según estadísticas de los CDC.
Getting a Covid Vaccine During Pregnancy Even More Urgent as ICU Beds Fill Up
The CDC recommends that pregnant people be vaccinated against covid-19, based on new safety and effectiveness evidence on the covid vaccines.
Familias apoyan máscaras en las aulas, pero se oponen a la vacunación obligatoria
Las fuertes opiniones públicas tienen lugar cuando la politización del debate sobre las máscaras en las aulas se vuelve más acalorada, coincidiendo con el inicio del año escolar, especialmente en Florida y Texas.
Public Favors Masks in Classrooms but Balks at Mandating Vaccinations for Students
With schools reopening, poll finds two-thirds of parents support mandating masks for unvaccinated students, but resistance to vaccinating students remains high. “My child is not a test dummy,” one Black parent told pollsters. Some parents deferred the decision to their teens.
A Quarter of US Hospitals, and Counting, Demand Workers Get Vaccinated. But Not Here.
Amid a surge in covid-19 cases driven by the highly contagious delta variant, nearly 1,500 health systems across the nation are requiring their employees to get vaccinated. In Montana and Oregon, that’s not an option.
‘The Vaccination Queen’: Nurse Practitioner Takes Covid Shots House to House in Puerto Rico
Abigail Matos-Pagán, a critical care expert who has galvanized relief efforts after hurricanes and earthquakes, is on a mission to inoculate as many Puerto Rican residents as possible.
A California Bill Would Limit Protests at Vaccination Sites. Does It Violate the First Amendment?
A proposal breezing through the state legislature would make it illegal to obstruct someone from getting a covid-19 shot, or any other vaccine, but some free speech experts say it goes too far.