Latest KFF Health News Stories
Missouri Rejects Federal Money In Order To Set Up Its Own Abortion Restrictions
Abortion is already heavily restricted in Missouri, but now the state is cutting more funding to organizations that provide abortions, even though it means rejecting millions of dollars from the federal government.
Mujeres con seguro médico tienen más chances de lograr embarazos in vitro
Un nuevo estudio revela que las mujeres cuyos seguros de salud cubren la fertilización in vitro (FIV) son más propensas a repetir el procedimiento si el primer intento fracasa, aumentando así sus chances de tener un bebé.
Women With Coverage For IVF More Likely To Have Procedure Again, Give Birth
After four cycles of IVF, women with insurance had a 57 percent probability of giving birth while a woman without coverage had a 51 percent chance, a study in JAMA reports.
Late Move To Dump ‘Essential’ Benefits Could Strand Chronically Ill
Republicans seek lower cost and more choice for health insurance sold to individuals, but cutting coverage standards could leave fewer comprehensive plans, analysts say.
Change In Texas Medicaid Payments Helps Cut Number Of Premature Births
Texas has reduced unnecessary early deliveries by 14 percent since refusing to pay doctors who performed C-sections that weren’t medically necessary.
Americans Not Sold On Cost And Coverage Claims In GOP’s Health Bill
Nearly half of the people in this month’s Kaiser Family Foundation tracking poll believe the Republican legislation will increase the number of uninsured Americans and increase coverage costs.
Families To Pay Price If Maternity Care Coverage Is Cut By GOP
Before the health law, buying an individual policy that included coverage for pregnancy and labor was extremely difficult.
Récord de infecciones sexuales dispara nacimientos de bebés con sífilis
Los condados de Kern y Fresno, en el Valle Central de California, tienen las tasas más altas de sífilis congénita. Oficiales de salud piensan que esta explosión de casos se debe a la falta de cuidado prenatal, al uso de drogas, al sexo sin protección y a la falta de concientización. Cómo es la situación a nivel nacional.
Spike In Syphilis Among Newborns Driven By Broader Epidemic
Sexually transmitted diseases are at an all-time high across the United States. Syphilis among women and babies is a particularly serious problem in Louisiana, California and Georgia.
Health Law’s 10 Essential Benefits: A Look At What’s At Risk In GOP Overhaul
The woman set to run the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services told senators last week that maternity coverage should be optional in individual and small group plans. But other services could also be left on the cutting room floor.
El secretario de Salud Tom Price podría cambiar rápido 5 temas clave de salud
La planificación familiar, Planned Parenthood y hasta el consumo de tabaco podrían verse rápidamente afectados por medidas que podría tomar el flamante secretario de Salud.
Five Quick Ways HHS Secretary Tom Price Could Change The Course Of Health Policy
After a tough fight by Democrats, Senate Republicans confirmed Rep. Tom Price’s nomination to head the Department of Health and Human Services. He will have the authority to upend some current practices.
Preserving Fertility When It Is Threatened By Life-Saving Medicine
A bill recently introduced in the California legislature would require insurance companies to cover fertility-preserving services for patients at risk of infertility because of necessary medical treatments.
Women Fear Drug They Used To Halt Puberty Led To Health Problems
Despite questions about Lupron’s lasting side effects and minimal study into its safety, the FDA sped approval of the drug to market. Years later, some young women are still living with the consequences.
California Aims To Boost Worker Safety, One Nail Salon At A Time
Effort asks salon owners to voluntarily improve air quality and use less toxic chemicals.
6 Lesser-Known Obamacare Provisions That Could Evaporate
Some lesser known provisions of the health law — things like calorie counts, lifetime limits and breast-feeding support — could be rolled back by repeal.
GOP Vows To Defund Planned Parenthood. Reality Makes That Hard.
Ending federal support of the group that helps supply women’s reproductive health care could complicate health law overhaul efforts.
Seis cosas sorprendentes que podrían desaparecer junto con el Obamacare
La Ley de Cuidado de salud Asequible afectó las primas y la cobertura de condiciones preexistentes. Pero el texto de más de 2.000 páginas contiene provisiones que afectan a diario a los estadounidenses.
Health Law Sleepers: Six Surprising Health Items That Could Disappear With ACA Repeal
It’s unclear what will become of some of the rules and regulations advanced by the 2010 health law as Republicans in Congress work to dismantle the sweeping measure.
En Puerto Rico persiste el rechazo al aborto, a pesar del zika
La Isla enfrenta una epidemia de Zika que pone a sus habitantes frente a dilemas médicos y religiosos.