Latest Morning Briefing Stories
What’s California’s Prescription For Rising Drug Costs?
How high-cost drugs are impacting California.
Cities Begin To Count The Scars Of Childhood, And Try To Prevent New Damage
A class action lawsuit in Los Angeles and a task force in Memphis both try to counter the “adverse childhood events” that impair health and well-being.
EPA Chief McCarthy: Public Health Is ‘What We Do’
Gina McCarthy met with Kaiser Health News to answer a range of questions, including how the agency is involved in efforts to combat Zika and the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
Medi-Cal se expande para los niños inmigrantes. Así es como funciona
Entrará en vigencia una nueva ley del programa estatal de cuidado de salud de bajos ingresos para los niños en EE.UU. sin papeles.
A Dearth Of Hospital Beds For Patients In Psychiatric Crisis
A California Assembly bill would require creating a mandatory registry for available psychiatric hospital beds, but the state hospital association calls it unworkable.
California Insurance Marketplace Imposes New Quality, Cost Conditions On Plans
In a sweeping overhaul of its contracts, the state’s insurance exchange will require health plans to hold doctors and hospitals accountable for quality and cost.
Medi-Cal Expands To Immigrant Children. Here’s How It Works.
New law applies state’s low-income health care program to children in the U.S. illegally.
President’s Task Force Aims To Help End Discrimination In Mental Health Coverage
Some advocates for mentally ill people say the administration’s action is long overdue.
Pharmaceutical Company Has Hiked Price On Aid-In-Dying Drug
Valeant Pharmaceuticals, the company that makes Seconal, the drug most commonly used in prescribed for terminally ill patients who want to end their lives, physician-assisted suicide, has doubled the price to more than $3,000.
Hackers Seek Ransom From Two More California Hospitals
A malware attack against two Prime Healthcare hospitals in South California, which federal authorities are investigating, comes soon after a case in which hackers demanded ransom from a Los Angeles hospital.
Algunos expertos dicen que el aumento del 86 por ciento en las hospitalizaciones psiquiátricas, desde el 2007, significa una seria deficiencia en el cuidado preventivo; otros creen que haber reducido el estigma ha llevado a los jóvenes a aceptar ayuda.
Fear Of Future Health Problems Plagues Porter Ranch, Calif., Gas Leak Victims
Even after the gas leak in Porter Ranch has been sealed, worries persist about the long-term health risks for residents.
For Terminally Ill In California, End Of Suffering Is Now In Sight
Terminal patients and doctors prepare themselves for California’s new assisted suicide law, which takes effect June 9.
Saving Amanda: One Family’s Struggle To Deal With A Daughter’s Mental Illness
It took eight years for Amanda Lipp to get adequate care for her mental illness. Now, she and her mom, Pam, are sharing their story to fight stigma around mental illness so others don’t have to go it alone.
N.H., Calif. Seek To Help Consumers Get Details On Health Care Prices
New Hampshire is expanding its website that lists the cost of specific medical procedures to include dental treatments and 65 prescription drugs. California is expanding its report cards on large medical groups to include cost of medical services by an average patient.
Housing Project Takes On Seniors’ Health
An innovative new approach in Oakland combines low-income housing and a health program for seniors.
Retail Clinics Add Convenience But Also Hike Costs, Study Finds
Researchers say the clinics tucked in stores and pharmacies lead patients to seek more medical attention than they otherwise would for minor ailments.
Leading Scope Maker Olympus Agrees To Hefty Settlement In Kickback Cases
The company will pay $646 million to end civil and criminal probes. Olympus’ leaders acknowledge responsibility for ‘past conduct’ they say was inconsistent with the firm’s values.
UCLA Freshmen Learn About Growing Old
A UCLA course on aging teaches students about the physical, emotional and financial realities of growing old. Professors hope they will consider careers that serve the elderly.
R2D2’s Next Assignment: Hospital Orderly
A gleaming new hospital in San Francisco has a fleet of robots dropping off meals, picking up trash and saving some money in a very 21st century way.