With Coronavirus Rare In Rural Florida, Experts Dispute Way Forward
At least 30 states have issued statewide stay-at-home orders. Florida, one of the eight states with the highest number of COVID-19 cases recorded so far, is the only one in that group not to have such an order.
Blood Centers Will Collect Plasma From COVID-19 Survivors In Bid For Treatment
New guidelines issued Tuesday could speed a century-old therapy to those critically ill with the pandemic virus.
Sheltered At Home, Families Broach End-Of-Life Planning
Barbara Dreyfuss died March 1 after contracting COVID-19 at a Seattle-area nursing home. Her earlier decision to document her final wishes may offer an example for families as the deadly virus spurs interest in end-of-life care.
Falsas promesas de curas, tratamientos y pruebas caseras para COVID-19 por internet
Pruebas no aprobadas por la FDA y varios informes cuestionables de Internet relacionados con pruebas de coronavirus, vacunas y curas “milagrosas” han estado circulando por las redes sociales.
Online Coronavirus Tests Are Just The Latest Iffy Products Marketed To Anxious Consumers
Americans are worried about the novel coronavirus, so they are turning to the internet for solutions to stem their fears. Buyer, beware. It could be dangerous.
Should You Bring Mom Home From Assisted Living During The Pandemic?
Families are weighing the challenges of providing home care with the isolation or potential danger of leaving folks in senior housing or long-term care.
¿Deberías sacar a tus padres de hogares y llevarlos a tu casa durante la pandemia?
Las familias se enfrentan a ese dilema. En los hogares de vida asistida los adultos mayores tienen alimentos y cuidado médico. En la casa tienen el amor de la familia.
More Than 5,000 Surgery Centers Can Now Serve As Makeshift Hospitals During COVID-19 Crisis
Under pressure, the federal government announced it will let surgery centers, hotels and even college dorms serve as hospitals to treat an overflow of patients.
COVID-19 Bonanza: Stimulus Hands Health Industry Billions Not Directly Related To Pandemic
Congress retreats on long-planned cost cuts to benefit the health care industry with a grab bag full of incentives.
Already Taxed Health Care Workers Not ‘Immune’ From Layoffs And Less Pay
Revenue is way down for primary care, specialty physicians and some hospitals as patients avoid non-urgent visits. Practices small and large are doling out layoffs and furloughs to staff.
¿Por qué lleva tanto tiempo? Cómo es el paso a paso de una prueba para COVID-19
Desde la toma de la muestra con un hisopo hasta el paso final, expertos explican cómo se trata la muestra para COVID-19, y explican futuros tests rápidos que podrían arrojar un resultado en minutos.
A pesar de la pandemia, profesionales de salud no son inmunes a los despidos
Consultorios y grupos médicos en todo el país están dando licencia forzada a personal no médico. Y también recortando salarios luego que se suspendieran procedimientos electivos y se comenzaran a cancelar citas no urgentes.
Más de 5,000 centros de cirugía serán hospitales improvisados durante la crisis de COVID-19
Esto le dará al país miles de camas hospitalarias y salas quirúrgicas adicionales, algunas de las cuales cuentan con respiradores o máquinas de anestesia que podrían ser reconvertidas en respiradores.
Coronavirus Patients Caught In Conflict Between Hospital And Nursing Homes
Hospitals need to clear out patients who no longer need acute care. But nursing homes are alarmed at the prospect of taking patients who may have the coronavirus.
What Takes So Long? A Behind-The-Scenes Look At The Steps Involved In COVID-19 Testing
A common complaint about the testing process is the long turnaround time for results.
Addiction Is ‘A Disease Of Isolation’ — So Pandemic Puts Recovery At Risk
People in recovery from drug or alcohol addiction have to weather a new storm of depression, anxiety and isolation during the pandemic, just as the social supports of Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs move online.
‘Red Dawn Breaking Bad’: Officials Warned About Safety Gear Shortfall Early On, Emails Show
As President Donald Trump called the nation “in good shape” to handle COVID-19, a cache of emails released by officials in Washington state show that top public health authorities feared gear shortages and doctor safety in the early epicenter of sickness and deaths.
The Nation’s 5,000 Outpatient Surgery Centers Could Help With The COVID-19 Overflow
A coalition of anesthesiologists wants to repurpose the country’s more than 5,000 surgery centers to serve as emergency overflow amid the coronavirus pandemic. The centers have trained medical staff largely sitting idle, anesthesia machines that could be turned into ventilators, and empty medical space. But obstacles such as federal payment rules, logistics and some skepticism are getting in the way.
Listen: How Hospitals Are Preparing For Surge In COVID-19 Patients
With coronavirus cases growing at a faster rate than anticipated, hospitals are scrambling to boost medical supplies and beds.
Centros de salud comunitarios enfrentan al coronavirus, bajo presión financiera
Alrededor de 29 millones de personas en el país dependen de estos centros, que ofrecen atención médica a pacientes de bajos ingresos y sin seguro. Millones de latinos utilizan estas clínicas.