Para luchar contra el coronavirus, médicos y enfermeras retirados vuelven a trabajar
En Nueva York, California, Illinois y Colorado, los gobernadores han hecho un llamado a los profesionales de salud jubilados para que den un paso adelante. Miles han respondido.
Resurge la telemedicina, por miedo al coronavirus y cambios en los pagos
Millones de estadounidenses buscan atención conectándose electrónicamente con un médico, muchos por primera vez. Una práctica segura para atender a ciertas condiciones y seguimientos.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Médicos temen por sus familias, mientras luchan contra COVID-19 con poca armadura
Miles de médicos de todo el país escribieron una apasionada carta al Congreso pidiendo que se libere el equipo de protección personal de la Reserva Nacional Estratégica, para aquellos en la primera línea de batalla.
Coronavirus Has Upended Our World. It’s OK To Grieve.
To weather uncertain times, it’s important to acknowledge and grieve losses — even if they seem small in the scheme of the global pandemic, psychologists and grief experts say.
No reemplazar ventiladores por máquinas CPAP, podrían propagar el coronavirus
Se ha sabido por años que cuando se usan con una máscara facial, estos dispositivos pueden aumentar la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas al propagar el virus por el aire.
In Coronavirus Relief Bill, Hospitals Poised To Get Massive Infusion Of Cash
The legislation scheduled to go before the House for a vote Friday provides nearly $200 billion in aid for hospitals. That includes payments for expenses or lost revenues from the coronavirus pandemic, interest-free loans and changes in Medicare reimbursements.
Help Wanted: Retired Doctors And Nurses Don Scrubs Again In Coronavirus Fight
As they prepare for an onslaught of coronavirus patients, health officials in New York and other states urge retired medical professionals to rejoin the ranks.
Physicians Fear For Their Families As They Battle Coronavirus With Too Little Armor
Doctors sent an impassioned, desperate letter to Congress describing the lack of protective equipment across the country — from masks to respirators to gowns to goggles. They’re using equipment from construction sites and home-repair stores or wearing the same mask from patient to patient. And they worry about what exposure without sufficient protection means for them and their families.
Not So Fast Using CPAPs In Place Of Ventilators. They Could Spread The Coronavirus.
U.S. pandemic planning envisioned the possibility of using CPAP machines for milder cases of COVID-19 when ventilators are in short supply. But evidence suggests that the machines, commonly used by people with sleep apnea, can aerosolize and possibly spread the virus. That leaves hospitals with few good alternatives if the demand for ventilators exceeds the supply.
Telemedicine Surges, Fueled By Coronavirus Fears And Shift In Payment Rules
Millions of Americans are suddenly seeking care by connecting with a doctor electronically. Helping drive that trend, medical providers can now charge as much as they would for an office visit.
Under Financial Strain, Community Health Centers Ramp Up Coronavirus Response
Many of the nation’s safety-net clinics for low-income patients are having to turn their model of care upside down overnight to deal with the realities of the pandemic — a challenge both financially and logistically. Federal funding is on the way.
Escasez de cuidados paliativos provoca dolor extra a pacientes con coronavirus
A algunos expertos les preocupa que la escasez de estos profesionales pueda dejar a muchos pacientes de COVID-19 en estado grave en una situación de angustia.
COVID-19: oficiales en California dicen que el confinamiento no funciona sin fuerza pública
El enfoque de no intervención de Newsom en la aplicación de la ley, que recurre a la presión social como principal herramienta para persuadir a las personas, amenaza con ralentizar el progreso de California.
Shortfall Of Comfort Care Signals Undue Suffering For Coronavirus Patients
Families worry that overwhelmed hospitals won’t be able to provide palliative care for loved ones stricken with COVID-19.
Public Health Officials To Newsom: Lockdown Won’t Work Without Enforcement
California Gov. Gavin Newsom was out front nationally when he ordered nearly all Californians to stay at home to stem the spread of COVID-19. But local officials warn it won’t work without tougher enforcement.
Los suministros para combatir a COVID-19 en hospitales están llegando desde el cielo
Hospitales están recurriendo a distribuidores privados y al Ejército de los Estados Unidos para transportar por vía aérea millones de máscaras protectoras y otros suministros hospitalarios desde China.
Trump’s Boast About U.S., South Korea Coronavirus Testing Misses The Mark
The president’s statement frames the data in a way that doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
California Lawmakers Struggle To Conduct Business Amid COVID-19 Lockdown
In an interview with California Healthline, the state’s Senate leader, Toni Atkins, makes clear that with social-distancing measures in force it will be difficult to debate and pass complicated budget measures ― but public health, education and public safety will be priorities.
Hospital Suppliers Take To The Skies To Combat Dire Shortages Of COVID-19 Gear
As the coronavirus sweeps the nation, a new survey reveals widespread medical gear shortages while hospitals give up on a fractured supply chain and take matters into their own hands with planes sprinting past cargo ships.