Los vitales cuidadores de pacientes en el hogar, ¿ahora son una amenaza?
Cientos de miles de trabajadores de salud van a los hogares de todo el país para prestar servicios vitales a las personas mayores y a los discapacitados.
Con reportes parciales de los estados, el panorama de COVID-19 en el país es borroso
Varios estados informan solo resultados positivos de la prueba para COVID-19 de laboratorios privados, una práctica que pinta una imagen engañosa del ritmo de propagación de la enfermedad.
Some States Are Reporting Incomplete COVID-19 Results, Blurring The Full Picture
Maryland, Ohio and others are reporting only positive tests, which skews tracking and an understanding of how the virus spreads.
Are Vital Home Health Workers Now A Safety Threat?
Hundreds of thousands of health care workers go into homes to provide important services for seniors and disabled people. But with the rising concerns about the danger of the coronavirus pandemic, especially for older people, these health workers could be endangering their patients and themselves.
Why Hoarding Of Hydroxychloroquine Needs To Stop
Six states — Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio and Texas — have taken steps to limit inappropriate prescriptions for the medicine and preserve supplies for patients who take it for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Photo Essay: LA Under Lockdown
Californians are under orders to stay home to slow the spread of the coronavirus — and the result is that some of Southern California’s best-known spots are shuttered or deserted, from Santa Monica Pier to Olvera Street.
Does Everyone Over 60 Need To Take The Same Coronavirus Precautions?
Just how careful should older people be? Here’s what geriatricians think is reasonable.
Coronavirus: ¿todos los mayores de 60 años necesitan tomar las mismas precauciones?
¿Son necesarias las precauciones como las que respaldan los CDC para todos los adultos mayores?, ¿Incluso en áreas donde el nuevo coronavirus todavía no parece estar circulando ampliamente?
Listen: The Hard-Knock Health Law Turns 10 Amid Pandemic
On the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Kaiser Health News chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner and Kaiser Family Foundation Executive Vice President Larry Levitt put the law in perspective.
En Seattle, enfermeras se vuelven creativas para cuidarse y trabajar en medio de la pandemia
Al aumentar el número de pacientes con coronavirus, escasean las máscaras y otros equipos de protección. Y las enfermeras de Washington recurren a métodos alternativos para cuidarse y cuidar a los pacientes.
La decisión de los CDC sobre la prueba del coronavirus atormentará al país por meses
Los kits iniciales para la prueba del coronavirus se distribuyeron casi por igual en localidades de los 50 estados. Sin pensar demasiado aquéllas zonas que realmente los necesitaban con urgencia.
With Medical Safety Gear Scarce, The Public Is Stepping Up. Here’s Help On Ways To Help.
If you or your company have useful supplies and want to donate them, here are some answers to questions you might be asking.
CDC Coronavirus Testing Decision Likely To Haunt Nation For Months To Come
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave huge cities roughly the same number of test kits as some rural spots, which crippled efforts by health officials to contain the virus.
Seattle Nurses Scrounge For Masks To Stay Safe On Pandemic’s Front Lines
As illness from the new coronavirus stresses the health care system, nurses said they are being forced to make do with less and learning to be good stewards of available equipment and protective gear.
Coronavirus Threatens The Lives Of Rural Hospitals Already Stretched To Breaking Point
Almost half of the nation’s rural hospitals operate in the red on a good day. But amid the coronavirus pandemic, rural hospital CEOs warn that soon some may be unable to pay their workers. And their doors may close when the community most needs them.
Some Hospitals Continue With Elective Surgeries Despite COVID-19 Crisis
Even as many states put a moratorium on elective surgeries in a desperate effort to preserve dwindling stocks of protective gear, hospitals in other pockets of the country continue to perform a range of elective procedures. Some staff members and ethicists are voicing concerns.
Listen: Front-Line Health Care Workers Face Shortage Of Protective Gear
As California ramps up capacity at hospitals in response to the coronavirus pandemic, health care workers face an inadequate supply of masks.
Hoping That Insurance Expansion Will Help Tamp Outbreak, 9 States Reopen Marketplaces
The states are allowing new enrollments this month to help ease consumers’ concerns about the cost of health care so that the sick will not be deterred from seeking medical attention and inadvertently spread the virus.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Now On The Menu At Closed Schools: Drive-Thru Lunches
As schools shutter to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus, many districts are still offering free meals to their most vulnerable students. In two Southern California districts, families roll through school lunch drive-thrus to grab hot meals.