Latest KFF Health News Stories
Medicaid Minus Stigma: In Indian Country, It’s Part Of The Fabric Of Life
McKinley County, N.M., has the nation’s highest rate of Medicaid enrollment, and people there say it is vital to battle daunting economic and public health challenges.
California Takes On Health Giant Over High Costs
The lawsuit is a bold move against Northern California’s dominant hospital chain, whose prices have drawn complaints for years. It has disputed such allegations in the past.
‘Aggressive’ New Advance Directive Would Let Dementia Patients Refuse Food
Supporters call it the strongest move yet to document a patient’s advance wishes in cases of severe dementia. Critics say it would deny basic care to society’s most vulnerable.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ VA Secretary Out, Privatization In?
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Sarah Kliff of, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News and Alice Ollstein of Talking Points Memo discuss President Donald Trump’s firing of David Shulkin, the secretary of Veterans Affairs, and Shulkin’s claim that he was forced out by those who want to privatize VA health care.
Calif. Bill Targets Profiteering In Addiction Treatment, Dialysis Industries
The legislation is intended to curb schemes in which some treatment providers sign patients up for private plans, pay their premiums and then rake in profits from inflated claims.
Readers Seek Transparency On Surgery Centers, ‘Bill Of The Month’ Investigations
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
En Puerto Rico, la pesadilla del huracán María no terminó para este padre y su hijo
Osvaldo Daniel Martínez tiene síntomas de esclerosis múltiple, pero todavía no ha podido tener un diagnóstico oficial porque no consiguen cita con un neurólogo.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Health Law Fix Misses The Spending Bill Train
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Anna Edney of Bloomberg News and Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times discuss the apparent demise of bipartisan legislation aimed at shoring up parts of the Affordable Care Act. They also discuss aggressive new efforts by the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products. Plus, for extra credit, the panelists offer their favorite health policy stories of the week.
Para los Dreamers, el sueño de convertirse en médicos pende de la “compasión” legal
De los 700,000 jóvenes beneficiarios de DACA, 99 son estudiantes de medicina. Pero sus años de residencia se pueden ver opacados por las nuevas políticas migratorias.
The Dream Among ‘Dreamers’ To Become A Doctor Now ‘At The Mercy’ Of Courts
In September, the Trump administration announced its plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, setting off an ongoing political and legal battle that could doom the dreams of immigrant doctors in training.
For One Father And Son In Puerto Rico, Hurricane Maria’s Cloud Has Not Lifted
The deadly storm turned a health challenge into a full-blown medical crisis for one young man with unconfirmed multiple sclerosis. And still he waits to see a neurologist.
Graphic: Opioid Painkiller Is Top Prescription In 10 States
Though opioid prescriptions appear to be on the decline, Vicodin and Norco remain popular, especially in the South. In more than half of states, Synthroid — a drug to treat hypothyroidism — came in at No. 1.
Reporter’s Notebook: The Tale Of Theranos And The Mysterious Fire Alarm
Health care tech startup Theranos was riding high back in 2014. But when a reporter raised questions, its media reps circled the wagons.
Adults Skipping Vaccines May Miss Out On Effective New Shingles Shot
Federal health officials recommend that adults get a number of vaccinations, including protections against shingles, the flu, pneumonia, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. But immunization rates are generally low.
Adultos saltean vacunas y no se benefician de la nueva contra el herpes zóster
A diferencia del calendario de vacunas infantil, que los padres respetan en más de un 90%, los adultos se saltean vacunas, que previenen una amplia gama de enfermedades.
Congress Tackles The Opioid Epidemic. But How Much Will It Help?
President Trump, speaking Monday, called for a tough-on-crime federal approach. Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, legislative strategies to combat this pressing public health problem are gaining momentum, but experts are not certain these approaches will make a difference.
Paying Hospitals To Keep People Out Of Hospitals? It Works In Maryland.
The state’s ambitious payment overhaul has begun to demonstrate savings and a change in culture, say new reports.
Bill Of The Month: For Toenail Fungus, A $1,500 Prescription
How a prescription wiped out one woman’s health reimbursement account, raising questions about prescription drug price tags and about how health care professionals deal (or don’t) with medical costs.
Opioid Maker Funds Efforts To Fight Addiction: Is It ‘Blood Money’ Or Charity?
Purdue Pharma, whose signature product helped fuel the opioid epidemic, now wants to help treat it — or at least salvage its own reputation.
Lifting Therapy Caps Is A Load Off Medicare Patients’ Shoulders
Last month’s budget deal means Medicare beneficiaries are eligible for physical and occupational therapy indefinitely. Plus, prescription drug costs will fall for more seniors.