Latest KFF Health News Stories
Putting A Lid On Waste: Needless Medical Tests Not Only Cost $200B — They Can Do Harm
The health care industry thrives on ordering up tests and treatments, but some hospitals are urging restraint.
¿Quién cuidará de Abril si nos deportan? Padres temen por sus hijos discapacitados
Cada vez más los padres indocumentados que tienen hijos con discapacidades severas consultan a abogados y médicos con una pregunta angustiante: cómo evitar la deportación para seguir cuidando de sus niños.
Who Will Care For Abril? Parents Fear For Their Disabled Child If They Are Deported
Anticipating a broader immigration crackdown, undocumented families are hiring lawyers and scrambling to make contingency plans for their seriously ill U.S.-born kids.
Overwrought Marketing? Ads, Not Research, Create Some Pharma Best-Sellers
A look at how and why strategic, star-studded advertising brought a drug for a little-known neurological condition into your home.
Preexisting Conditions And Continuous Coverage: Key Elements Of GOP Bill
The Republican health plan would require insurers to offer coverage to people who have preexisting medical conditions. But if states opt to allow insurers to charge sick people more than healthy ones, people who have been more than 63 days without coverage could see significantly higher insurance costs.
Trump Says He Knows About Health Care, But Some Of His Facts Seem Alternative
In two interviews, the president reveals some surprising views of health policy.
Rural Shoppers Face Slim Choices, Steep Premiums On Exchanges
The larger an area’s population, the more likely insurers will compete in that market, according to an Urban Institute analysis.
For Knee Pain, Experts Say Don’t Think About Scoping It
Writing in the journal BMJ, an international group of experts and patients say arthroscopic surgery on the knee does not provide lasting relief.
Expertos cuestionan eficacia de la cirugĂa de rodilla más popular
Un panel internacional desafiĂł la eficacia de uno de los procedimientos ortopĂ©dicos más comunes y recomendĂł fuertemente no realizar la cirugĂa artroscĂłpica en pacientes con problemas degenerativos de rodilla.
Reactions To The GOP Health Bill: Voices From The States
What will happen to people with preexisting conditions is one worry some Americans expressed; the high costs of insurance under Obamacare is another.
Medicare no investigĂł 96 casos de peligrosas infecciones en hospitales
Un informe oficial cuestiona el sistema para reportar y monitorear infecciones adquiridas en centros de salud. Los hospitales reciben bonos, o multas, segĂşn el nĂşmero de casos.
Nearly 1 In 3 Recent FDA Drug Approvals Followed By Major Safety Actions
More than 70 drugs approved from 2001 through 2010 ran into safety concerns later that resulted in withdrawals from the market, “black box” warnings or other actions.
Medicare Failed To Investigate Suspicious Infection Cases From 96 Hospitals
The HHS inspector general’s office found that Medicare should have done an in-depth review of suspicious or aberrant infection reports from scores of hospitals.
Should Health Care Trainees Be Treated As Paid Employees?
A bill pending in California’s Legislature, sponsored by an influential health care union, would require hospitals and clinics to pay minimum wage to student trainees.
To Save On Medi-Cal Costs, A Bid To Help Homeless Patients With Rent Money
California lawmakers consider a bill to use state money to help homeless Medi-Cal patients pay rent — shifting their focus from sheer survival to wellness. The move could save taxpayers millions, advocates say.
Louisiana Proposes Tapping A Federal Law To Slash Hepatitis C Drug Prices
Several public health officials endorse using a federal law to slash hepatitis C drug prices in Louisiana and avoid drug bills that could cripple the state budget.
CĂłmo aliviar el dolor financiero de los planes de salud con deducibles altos
Pase lo que pase con el Obamacare, es bastante seguro que una tendencia en la atención de salud continuará: cada vez más personas tendrán planes de salud con deducibles altos. Cómo enfrentarlos.
Clock Is Ticking On GOP Bill: 5 Ways Health Care Tug-Of-War May Play Out
Despite pressure from the White House and GOP leaders, Republicans have not yet secured enough votes to pass their health law replacement bill. Here’s a look at their choices going forward.
Mom’s Policy, Medicaid Or A Health Exchange Plan: What’s A Grad To Do?
The federal health law has opened up new options for young adults but it can sometimes be confusing. A quick guide to the choices.
How To Ease The Financial Pain Of High-Deductible Health Plans
You might save money on premiums with a high-deductible health plan only to find you’re spending more on the back end. These tips will help you minimize your expenses for medical treatment and prescriptions.