Latest Morning Briefing Stories
La otra crisis de Puerto Rico: el éxodo de médicos jóvenes
Estudiar medicina es una opción popular entre los jóvenes puertorriqueños. Pero muchos graduados están yéndose, eligiendo mejores oportunidades de trabajo, a pesar de las crecientes y urgentes necesidades de salud de Puerto Rico.
Exodus By Puerto Rican Medical Students Deepens Island’s Doctor Drain
Interest in medical schools is high in Puerto Rico, but many students look to the U.S. mainland for residencies because of higher pay and the commonwealth’s declining economy. The migration of young talent is both a symptom and an exacerbation of the island’s medical woes.
Running Short On Time, Covered California And Insurers Seek Obamacare Answers From GOP
Health insurers must submit initial rates to California’s exchange on Monday, but confusion persists over core elements of the current health law.
Widespread Hype Gives False Hope To Many Cancer Patients
Doctors and drug developers have a stake in making cancer treatments seem better than they really are.
Severa escasez de trabajadores en hogares priva a miles de una atención apropiada
En California, y en todo el país, se está acrecentando una crítica escasez de trabajadores de salud y asistentes de enfermería en hogares y a domicilio, amenazando la atención de personas vulnerables.
Pre-Obamacare, Preexisting Conditions Long Vexed States And Insurers
Before the federal health law guarantee that consumers cannot be turned down because of their medical history, it was difficult to balance insurers’ needs to make a profit and individuals’ needs for coverage.
Severe Shortage Of Home Health Workers Robs Thousands Of Proper Care
A critical shortage of home health care workers across the U.S. is denying care for senior citizens and people with disabilities.
Health Care Worries Pull Crowd To Conservative Ohio Rep’s Town Hall
Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, sparked discord at his meeting with his district’s voters Monday when he suggested churches, schools and families are best able to handle the opioid epidemic rather than the federal government.
Drugmakers Dramatically Boosted Lobbying Spending In Trump’s First Quarter
With high drug prices creating widespread controversy, top pharmaceutical companies and their trade group vastly increased their lobbying spending on Capitol Hill.
Marathon Pharmaceutical Drops Out Of PhRMA Following Drug Price Controversy
Two companies that faced criticism for high-priced drugs, Marathon and Mallinckrodt, have dropped out of the PhRMA trade association.
Conservatives’ Goal To Relax Mandatory Health Benefits Unlikely To Tame Premiums
The federal health law requires most insurance plans to offer 10 specific categories of essential benefits. Conservatives would like to get rid of that rule in the hopes of bringing down premium costs.
Stalking the ‘Unknown Enemy’: Doctors Turn Scope On Rare Diseases
An NIH-funded network of hospitals uses advanced genetic science and nationwide collaboration to diagnose rare and sometimes undiscovered diseases.
With Drug Costs In Crosshairs, Health Firms Gave Generously To Trump’s Inauguration
Led by Pfizer and Amgen, about 10 health care firms contributed to President Donald Trump’s inauguration, which earned them entry into private events with the president and vice president.
Readers: Training Patients To Advocate For Their Illnesses Is ‘A Virtue Not A Sin’
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to respond, react and comment on our stories.
California Hospitals Lose Ground In Quality Of Care, Report Card Shows
The nonprofit Leapfrog Group shows nearly half of California hospitals got a grade of C, D or F in patient safety measures — an increase from two years ago.
Grasping For The Middle Ground On Obamacare
A University of Southern California professor says conservatives and liberals should split the difference: Scrap the exchanges and expand Medicaid.
In Remote Idaho, A Tiny Facility Lights The Way For Stressed Rural Hospitals
In a region where bears outnumber people, a small medical facility sets a modern example for rural hospitals on life support.
California Presses Forward In Fight To Regulate Pharma
Such efforts have previously failed in the face of opposition from the drug industry, which questions their effectiveness and contends prices reflect research and development costs.
Drugmakers Help Turn Patients With Rare Diseases Into D.C. Lobbyists
Amplifying the “patient voice,” those with the rarest afflictions are trained to become powerful advocates for new drugs and legislation that would help the industry.
¿Es posible lograr un seguro de salud universal para todos?
Mientras los líderes republicanos se vuelven a organizar para reconsiderar sus planes de “derogar y reemplazar” el Obamacare, los defensores de la cobertura de salud universal avanzan con nuevos proyectos.