Latest KFF Health News Stories
Aetna acuerda pagar $17 millones por revelar estatus de miembros VIH positivos
La aseguradora envío cartas en las que era visible la parte en la que se mencionaba que los destinatarios estaban tomando medicamentos contra el VIH.
When Nursing Homes Push Out Poor And Disabled Patients
Complaints are rising in California and other states about improper evictions and discharges. Advocates say some patients end up in cheap hotels, homeless or back in the hospital.
Health Giant Sutter Destroys Evidence In Crucial Antitrust Case Over High Prices
“‘Fingers crossed’ that I haven’t authorized something the FTC will hunt me down for,” a staffer wrote after destroying the documents. Sutter, a huge Northern California Health system with 24 hospitals, said it destroyed them by mistake.
Gigante de salud Sutter en demanda crucial por monopolio de sobreprecios
De acuerdo con un juez estatal, Sutter Health, el gigante del sistema de salud que gerencia 24 hospitales en California, abusó de su poder para inflar precios y destruir documentación crítica de sus empleados.
Patients, Health Insurers Challenge Iowa’s Privatized Medicaid
Complaints are rising against for-profit insurance companies that manage Medicaid for about 600,000 Iowans. The privatization of Medicaid is a national trend affecting more than half of the 74 million Americans who get their health care through the state-federal program.
Medi-Cal Sued For Pushing Patients Into Managed Care Despite Judges’ Orders
Advocates say California’s Medicaid program is violating its own rules by overturning decisions that would allow seriously ill patients to stay out of managed care and keep their doctors.
To Grow Market Share, A Drugmaker Pitches Its Product To Judges
Some drug courts offer participants a full range of evidence-based treatment, including medication-assisted treatment. Others don’t allow addiction medications at all. And some permit just one: Vivitrol.
Despite Insurers’ Tactical Win On ACA’s Cost-Sharing Payments, Uncertainty Lingers
Court allows state attorneys general to join a pending legal challenge to keep billions in subsidies flowing to consumers and insurers, despite the Trump administration’s resistance.
Cronología: las experiencias cercanas a la muerte del Obamacare
Nunca una norma sufrió tantos intentos de homicidio como la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible. Los republicanos han tratado de derogarla por años, pero hasta ahora, sigue vigente.
Obamacare’s History Littered With Near-Death Experiences
The Affordable Care Act has repeatedly faced opposition in Congress and the courts, but it has continued to survive.
Timeline: Obamacare’s History Littered With Near-Death Experiences
The Affordable Care Act has repeatedly faced opposition in Congress and the courts, but it has continued to survive.
California Sued For Allegedly Substandard Medi-Cal Care
The lawsuit is a civil rights case on behalf of Latinos, who comprise nearly half of the program’s enrollees. But the advocates who filed it also hope to get class action certification for all Medi-Cal enrollees.
Two Medicare Advantage Insurers Settle Whistleblower Lawsuit For $32 Million
Freedom Health and Optimum HealthCare agreed to settle a lawsuit alleging they overbilled Medicare.
Muerte por 1,000 recortes: cómo pueden los republicanos alterar su cobertura de salud
Los peores enemigos de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible ahora están a cargo. Y están discutiendo cambios que podrían afectar a una más amplia red de planes de empleadores y a la cobertura del Medicare para los adultos mayores.
Death By 1,000 Cuts: How Republicans Can Still Alter Your Coverage
There are many ways beyond legislative repeal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to unravel the Affordable Care Act.
The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Exchange enrollees and insurers fret over a lawsuit that could end federal help with copays and deductibles.
La próxima batalla del Obamacare: subsidios para gastos de bolsillo
Los subsidios que ayudan a las personas con sus copagos y deducibles, distintos a los créditos impositivos para pagar las primas, están en medio de una batalla legal luego de una demanda republicana.
Justice Department Joins Lawsuit Alleging Massive Medicare Fraud By UnitedHealth
The Department of Justice is joining a whistleblower lawsuit in a fraud case against UnitedHealth in which damages could top $1 billion.
Gobierno se une a demanda en contra de UnitedHealth que alega fraude masivo al Medicare
El Departamento de Justicia se ha unido a la demanda de un denunciante de California que acusa al gigante de seguros UnitedHealth Group de fraude en sus populares planes de salud de Medicare Advantage.
California Medical Board President Faces Questions Over Vote In Sexual Misconduct Case
After the medical board reinstated the license of doctor who molested patients, one member –now president — secured a $40 million donation for a pet project from the doctor’s relative. He says the two events are unrelated. Critics are demanding an investigation.