Latest KFF Health News Stories
Azar Says Federal Law Had Preexisting Conditions Covered Before ACA. Not So Much.
This appears to be an overstatement.
Could Trump’s Push To Undo The ACA Cause Problems For COVID Survivors? Biden Thinks So.
The speech by the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee was delivered the same day the Trump administration reaffirmed its support of a lawsuit that would invalidate all of the Affordable Care Act, including the law’s preexisting condition protections.
COVID Catch-22: They Got A Big ER Bill Because Hospitals Couldn’t Test For Virus
Americans who had coronavirus symptoms in March and April are getting big hospital bills — because they were not sick enough to get then-scarce COVID tests. Some insurers say they are trying to correct these bills, but patients may have to put up a fight.
Pruebas para el VPH y el cáncer cervical podrían hacerse en casa
El Instituto Nacional del Cáncer lanzará un estudio que involucrará a unas 5,000 mujeres para evaluar si la autoprueba casera puede equivaler a la que realiza el médico en un consultorio.
NIH Spearheads Study To Test At-Home Screening For HPV And Cervical Cancer
The National Cancer Institute plans to launch a multisite study next year involving roughly 5,000 women to assess whether self-sampling at home for the human papillomavirus that causes cervical cancer is comparable to screening in a doctor’s office.
Trabajadora esencial recibe una factura pandémica de $1,840 por COVID
Ten cuidado si tu médico te envía a la sala de emergencias para una prueba de COVID, porque cualquier atención adicional que recibas allí podría tener un alto precio.
Essential Worker Shoulders $1,840 Pandemic Debt Due To COVID Cost Loophole
Carmen Quintero had symptoms of COVID-19, couldn’t get tested and ended up with a huge bill. She also was told to self-isolate and assume she had the coronavirus — which is hard when you live with elders.
Ghost Bill: UVA Siphons Couple’s Tax Refund To Pay 20-Year-Old Medical Debt
Jane Collins and Anthony Blow were stunned to learn last fall that their state tax refund was being reduced by $110 because the Charlottesville medical center said they owed money for care their son received in 2001 and 2002.
Si perdiste tu seguro de salud por la crisis de COVID-19, tienes opciones
Algunos pueden adquirir un seguro de salud bajo ACA apelando a un período especial de inscripción. Otros descubren que pueden aplicar para Medicaid. Hay alternativas pero el tiempo corre.
If You’ve Lost Your Health Plan In The COVID Crisis, You’ve Got Options
But some of those options, like special enrollment periods, are time-sensitive.
When A Doctor No Longer Accepts Medicare, Patients Left Holding The Bag
As doctors look for alternative ways to charge patients for care, some Medicare enrollees may lose access to their physicians.
Social Media Fears About Lack Of Coverage For Protest Injuries Are Overblown
After some protests over the death of George Floyd resulted in violence, online discussions raised concerns that health plans might deny medical coverage. Although plans do sometimes make exclusions for “illegal acts” or riots, experts say concerns by people who are protesting Floyd’s death may be overstated.
Por qué los recortes en salud perjudican siempre a los californianos más vulnerables
En California, donde casi 2,9 millones de personas han solicitado el desempleo en los últimos dos meses, Newsom describió los recortes propuestos como “prudentes” y “estratégicos”.
‘Why Do We Always Get Hit First?’ Proposed Budget Cuts Target Vulnerable Californians
Safety-net health care programs that keep low-income Californians out of nursing homes are on the chopping block as Gov. Gavin Newsom and state lawmakers attempt to plug a massive budget deficit caused by the COVID-19 emergency.
Coronavirus Surprise: IRS Allows Midyear Insurance And FSA Changes
Last month, the Internal Revenue Service announced it would let employees add, drop or change some of their benefits for the remainder of 2020. The catch: Your employer has to allow the changes. KHN explains how it could work.
KHN executive editor Damon Darlin wades through mounds of health care policy stories — so you don’t have to.
COVID-Like Cough Sent Him To ER — Where He Got A $3,278 Bill
A dad in Denver tried to do everything right when COVID symptoms surfaced. Still, he ended up with a huge bill from an insurer that had said it waived cost sharing for coronavirus treatment. What gives?
How A Company Misappropriated Native American Culture To Sell Health Insurance
Maine investigators find one patient’s saga with O’NA HealthCare offers a cautionary tale for anyone looking for cut-rate coverage online.
Alerta a turistas: los planes de salud para viajeros podrían no cubrir pandemias
Muchos planes ofrecen cobertura de atención médica en caso que la persona necesite atención durante un viaje. Pero éstos varían enormemente según la compañía, y pueden no incluir a COVID-19.
Tourists, Beware: Foreign Visitors’ Travel Health Insurance Might Exclude Pandemics
Many travel insurance plans offer health care coverage, but they could limit how much the insurer will pay or exclude coverage for health crises like the coronavirus pandemic. That may leave foreign travelers — unfamiliar with the way the American health system works ― on the hook for major expenses.