Latest KFF Health News Stories
Workers Who Give Care To The Homebound Often Can’t Afford To Get Their Own
These workers, who generally do not get health insurance from their employers and fall through public assistance coverage gaps, gained some relief under Obamacare.
California Doctors Again Press For More Money To Treat Poor Patients
They want the state’s new tobacco tax to help pay for a raise in Medicaid rates, but so far Gov. Jerry Brown has other plans for that money.
Texas Braces For Medicaid Cuts Under GOP Health Plan
Texans on both sides of the political spectrum say the Lone Star State is not going to fare well under GOP plans to replace the Affordable Care Act.
Repeal Of Health Law Could Force Tough Decisions For Arizona Republicans
It is unclear what will happen to the 400,000 people who signed up for Arizona’s expanded Medicaid program if the GOP health law replacement succeeds.
GOP Health Plan Aims To Curb Medicaid, Expand State Options
House Republicans’ latest plan to repeal Obamacare would give states flexibility in managing their Medicaid programs, but also some difficult decisions to make.
A Fact Check Finds Many Misleading Letters From Lawmakers On Health Care
Four news organizations read through letters sent by 51 senators and 134 members of the House dealing with the health care debate.
Pacientes de bajos ingresos con VIH temen quedarse sin cobertura
Bajo nuevas reglas que impondría la ley de salud republicana, pacientes de bajos ingresos que viven con VIH podrían perder la cobertura que un programa de asistencia federal les ayudó a obtener.
A Young Man With Parkinson’s Frets Over The Affordability Of GOP Health Plan
Ford Inbody has a degenerative disease and is carefully watching the GOP replacement health care bill. Though it covers preexisting conditions, it could still mean he’ll get less care for more money.
Low-Income AIDS Patients Fear Coverage Gains May Slip Away
The federal health law made it feasible for the AIDS Drug Assistance Program to expand its efforts and help patients buy marketplace insurance plans to cover drugs and other health care.
GOP Bill’s Unheralded Changes In Rules Could Undermine Health Of Neediest
Lesser-known provisions in the Republican proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act would push some Medicaid enrollees out of coverage and cause financial pain for others.
On Medicaid Money, GOP Has Win-Or-Lose Proposition For States
The House Republicans’ bill to repeal Obamacare would change how the federal government allocates matching funds to state Medicaid programs — and could cost some states billions of dollars a year in federal aid.
Change In Texas Medicaid Payments Helps Cut Number Of Premature Births
Texas has reduced unnecessary early deliveries by 14 percent since refusing to pay doctors who performed C-sections that weren’t medically necessary.
A Health Reporter Walks Into Reagan National Airport …
Half-believing he could be free for just one night from covering Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, writer Phil Galewitz instead experiences eerie close encounters of the senatorial kind.
Deciphering CBO’s Estimates On The GOP Health Bill
The federal government’s budget experts estimate that the Republican plan would reduce the deficit but dramatically drive up the number of uninsured.
Impacto del proyecto republicano en las primas, el Medicaid y Planned Parenthood
El Comité de Presupuesto del Congreso presentó su estimado sobre el impacto económico que el proyecto de salud republicano, “The American Health Care Act”, tendría en el sistema de atención de salud del país, y cuánto le costaría al gobierno federal.
Five Ways The GOP Health Bill Would Reverse Course From The ACA
From Medicaid funding to paying for over-the-counter drugs, the legislation offered by House Republicans offers a far different pathway to coverage than Obamacare.
Proyecto republicano elimina el mandato individual y gran parte de la expansión del Medicaid
Los republicanos dieron a conocer el plan de salud con el que buscan reemplazar gran parte del Obamacare. Qué disposiciones se conservarían y cuáles podrían desaparecer por completo.
House GOP Health Bill Jettisons Insurance Mandate, Much Of Medicaid Expansion
After intense negotiations among party factions, Republican leaders unveil legislation that committees will mark up this week.
For New Medicaid Patients, The Doctor Is In (Generally). But You May Have To Wait.
A new study examines whether people newly insured through the Affordable Care Act are adding pressure to primary care access challenges.
Cuando los padres y el pediatra no hablan el mismo idioma
Un nuevo estudio en California revela que los padres latinos que sólo hablan español son menos propensos a reportar buenas experiencias con los médicos de sus hijos que los que hablan inglés.