Latest KFF Health News Stories
Health Industry Could Feel Pinch, Then Pain From Default
Within a few weeks of a shutdown of Medicare and Medicaid money, health care providers could be in financial trouble. No one knows how to plan for it.
Why IPAB Is Essential — A Timely Review (Guest Opinion)
Earlier in July, Jonathan Cohn followed the House Budget Committee’s hearings on the heatlh law’s Independent Payment Advisory Board. The experience inspired him to offer this reminder of what it is;, how it will work; and why it is essential to controlling Medicare costs.
Nation’s Health Care Bill To Nearly Double By 2020
New estimates from Medicare’s actuaries find the nation’s health spending will grow by 5.8 percent a year through 2020, compared to 5.7 percent without the overhaul.
Health On The Hill: Medicare, Medicaid Taken Off Table In Budget Talks
Neither the Boehner nor the Reid plans include cuts to Medicare or Medicaid. KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey talks with Jackie Judd about why that happened and what could bring these entitlements back into the deficit-reduction conversation.
Washington’s Rebate Tax Would Be Paid By Seniors (Guest Column)
Some Democrats are backing a “tax” on prescription drugs that would increase Medicare drug plan premiums by as much as 40 percent. Those lawmaker wouldn’t describe their plan that way, of course, but that would be the effect of their plat to require drug companies to pay Medicaid-style rebates to Medicare.
At Age 46, Is Medicare Ripe For A Change?
Seven experts explore what it would take to muster the political will to revamp the popular health care program.
Head Of Major HMO Sees Openings For Accountable Care Organizations-The KHN Interview
Kaiser Permanente’s George Halvorson says that despite the complexity of ACO regs, some versions have the potential to save money and improve care.
Health On The Hill: ‘Gang Of Six’ In The Health Care Spotlight
NPR’s Julie Rovner talks with Jackie Judd about the re-emergence of the “Gang of Six” senators in the debt-ceiling debate, what their plan means for the CLASS Act, and how missing details are likely to be filled in.
Health On The Hill Transcript: ‘Gang Of Six’ In The Health Care Spotlight
NPR’s Julie Rovner talks with Jackie Judd about the re-emergence of the “Gang of Six” senators in the debt-ceiling debate, what their plan means for the CLASS Act, and how missing details are likely to be filled in.
President: ‘Shared Sacrifice’ Means ‘Taking On Health Care Spending’ (Video Excerpts)
In his second news conference in a week, President Barack Obama said he is “willing to look at” a number of ways to reduce health care spending, including provider cuts and changing the eligibility age for Medicare. But he dismissed the Republican approach, saying “it’s not necessary to completely revamp” Medicare to deal with the deficit and the debt ceiling.
Budget Expert: Don’t Expect Medicare Cuts In Debt Deal – The KHN Interview
Federal budget guru Stan Collender offers his views on the current debt-ceiling talks and how efforts to include entitlement spending reforms in the final deal could effect future budget battles.
Health On The Hill: Debt Limit Talks Intensify As Deadline Nears
Jackie Judd and KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey discuss what Democrats, Republicans and special interest groups are saying in front of the cameras and behind the scenes.
Rising Health Care Curve Won’t Bend, Even for Obama
A forthcoming report from the Congressional Budget Office shows that more than two dozen demonstrations projects launched by Medicare and Medicaid over the past decade have failed to stop the upward march of health care costs. But health care policy experts say the findings paint too gloomy a picture.
PhRMA Chief Says Support For Health Law ‘Was Right Decision’-The KHN Interview
But John Castellani, who came to the drugmakers’ lobbying group after the health care debate, also warns officials against further cuts to the industry.
Medicare Payment Board Draws Brickbats
The health care overhaul law calls for an independent board to make recommendations for ways to reduce Medicare payments without cutting benefits or increasing costs to beneficiaries. But Congressmen from both sides of the aisle are growing doubtful that such a board will work.
President Calls For ‘Meaningful Changes’ To Medicare, Medicaid (Video Excerpts)
In his news conference today, President Barack Obama discussed negotiations with Republicans regarding the debt ceiling and the deficit. He also paid some attention to efforts to curb entitlement spending, including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Letter To The Editor: Hospices Are Serving A Critical Need
This letter was written in response to Jordan Rau’s story, Concerns About Costs Rise With Hopices’ Use, which was published by Kaiser Health News and the New York Times on June 27.
Obama Talks Medicare And Debt Limit In Press Conference
President Obama on Wednesday said corporations should give up some tax breaks before the United States asks seniors to pay more for their Medicare benefits. But, Obama also opened the door to make changes and spending reductions to Medicare. Watch these video excerpts from the press conference.
Health On The Hill: Obama Confers With Senate Leaders On Budget
KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey talks with Jackie Judd about President Obama’s separate meetings with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in which the trio is trying to find common ground on Medicare cuts and other controversial proposals to lower the deficit.
Health On The Hill Transcript: Obama Tries To Aid Deficit Talks With Meetings
KHN’s Mary Agnes Carey talks with Jackie Judd about President Obama’s separate meetings with Senate leaders Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid in which the trio is trying to find common ground on Medicare cuts to help lower the deficit.