Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Con cambios en Medicaid, residentes de zonas rurales se sienten abandonados a su suerte
En las zonas rurales, la falta de acceso a navegadores, las personas que ayudan a los beneficiarios de Medicaid a mantener su cobertura o encontrar otro seguro si ya no reúnen los requisitos, podría agravar estas dificultades.
How Will Rural Americans Fare During Medicaid Unwinding? Experts Fear They’re on Their Own
As states review their Medicaid rolls after the expiration of a pandemic-era prohibition against kicking recipients off the government insurance program, experts say the lack of help available to rural Americans in navigating insurance options puts them at greater risk of losing health coverage than people in metropolitan areas.
With Its Two Doctors Planning to Retire, an Alabama Town Patches Together Health Care Options
LaFayette and other rural areas of the country tend to have high rates of health problems but not enough doctors. Many are adapting by investing in nontraditional prevention and treatment options.
Save Billions or Stick With Humira? Drug Brokers Steer Americans to the Costly Choice
Thousands of patients with autoimmune diseases who rely on Humira, with a list price of $6,600 a month, could get financial relief from new low-cost rivals. So far, the pharmacy benefit managers that control drug prices in America have not delivered on those savings.
Humira lleva 20 años disfrutando de una exclusividad muy cara en el país. Sus competidores podrían ahorrarle al sistema sanitario $9,000 millones.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Injects Presidential Politics Into the Covid Vaccine Debate
Losing ground in the Republican primary, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and his top medical advisers dismissed the recent federal recommendation that almost everyone get an updated covid shot.
Legislatura aprueba la propuesta de Newsom para reformar la Ley de Servicios de Salud Mental
Newsom prometió que la recién rebautizada Ley de Servicios de Salud Mental construiría 10,000 nuevas camas y viviendas para personas sin hogar con necesidades de salud mental.
La medida, aprobada por legisladores estatales el jueves 14 de septiembre, introduciría gradualmente el aumento salarial en hospitales, residencias de adultos mayores y otros proveedores de servicios médicos y psiquiátricos.
California Lawmakers Approve Nation-Leading $25 Minimum Wage for Health Workers
A sweeping agreement approved by state lawmakers would gradually raise the minimum wage for hundreds of thousands of health workers to a nation-leading $25 an hour. The pact would also end labor’s years-long battle with dialysis clinics.
California Legislature Passes Gov. Newsom’s Proposal to Retool Mental Health Services Act
The California Legislature greenlighted Gov. Gavin Newsom’s latest plan to build more housing and increase addiction treatment as part of his response to the state’s homelessness and drug crises.
Rural Nursing Home Supporters Fear Proposed Staffing Standards Will Trigger More Closures
The Biden administration says a recently proposed minimum staffing standard would help ensure quality care, but nursing home leaders predict many rural facilities would struggle to meet it.
Social Security Overpays Billions to People, Many on Disability. Then It Demands the Money Back.
Beneficiaries in five states described what happened when they received letters calling on them to return overpayments that can reach tens of thousands of dollars or more.
Muchos estados todavía no financian la exitosa línea 988 para crisis de salud mental
Según un análisis de KFF de datos de la línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis, desde el verano pasado el 988 recibió casi 5 millones de contactos, incluyendo llamadas, textos y mensajes de chat.
As More Patients Email Doctors, Health Systems Start Charging Fees
Doctors say billing for email consultations reduces message volume and gives them more free time. The increasingly prevalent practice has also raised fears about negative impacts to patient care.
Abortion Bans Fuel a Rise in High-Risk Patients Heading to Illinois Hospitals
High-risk patients from states that heavily restrict abortion are coming to hospitals in states such as Illinois that protect abortion rights. The journey can mean more medical risks and higher bills.
Dr. Google conoce a Dr. ChatGPT: la inteligencia artificial empieza a impactar en la salud
La sintaxis fluida, el tono de autoridad y la destreza de la IA generativa han atraído a todos los sectores de la sociedad, y algunos comparan su impacto futuro con el de la propia Internet.
Despite Successes, Addiction Treatment Programs for Families Struggle to Stay Open
Residential addiction treatment programs that allow parents to bring their children along have been recognized for their success. But a mix of logistical challenges and low reimbursement rates mean they struggle to stay afloat.
Watch: In Emergencies, First Comes the Ambulance. Then Comes the Bill.
This installment of InvestigateTV and KFF Health News’ “Costly Care” series delves into the lack of cost protections for patients who find themselves on the hook for an emergency ground ambulance ride.
‘Dr. Google’ Meets Its Match: Dr. ChatGPT
With the rise of generative AI, people who once turned to “Dr. Google” to check on medical symptoms are now turning to chatbots. Researchers say the bots are often more accurate, but urge caution in the absence of any regulations.
Un padre soñaba con una casa para su familia. La deuda médica casi los deja en la calle
En todo el país, la deuda médica obliga a legiones de estadounidenses a hacer sacrificios dolorosos. Muchos recortan gastos en alimentos, asumen trabajos adicionales o agotan sus ahorros para la jubilación. Miles no pueden conseguir vivienda.