Latest Morning Briefing Stories
Readers Face Multiple Dilemmas About Insurance Coverage, Costs
“Insuring Your Health” columnist Michelle Andrews answers questions from readers, including someone wondering about coverage if you’ve been drinking, talking with your insurer about a family member’s bill and preventive colonscopies.
Q&A: Where Do I Find A Community Health Center?
Michelle Andrews, KHN’s “Insuring Your Health” columnist answers a question from an uninsured reader with a big health-care bill. She’s looking for advice on future care.
New Emergency Care Programs Focus On Quality-Of-Life Issues
With training, hospital emergency department staff members can enhance their skills in pain and symptom management and improve their communication skills.
Health Law Bolsters Funding For In-School Clinics
At about 1,900 schools around the country, children can get checkups, vaccinations and help with medication.
Medical Loss Ratio: What Does It Mean For Consumers And Brokers?
In this Kaiser Health News video, Michelle Andrews talks about medical loss ratio, the amount of money an insurer must spend on health care as opposed to administrative costs and profits. The ratio could help ensure consumers are getting the most value for their health insurance premium dollars, Andrews says.
Insurance Usually Covers Diagnosis, Treatment Of Most Sleep Problems
As awareness of the issue has increased, so has expensive testing.
Q&A: Can I Get Medical Treatment And Hospice Care At The Same Time?
Michelle Andrews answers a question from a reader who wonders if there are states where they can get both curative care and hospice care at the same time. The health law may provide some solutions, Andrews says.
Alan D. Aviles, the longest serving president of the nation’s largest municipal health system, discusses his efforts to stabilize HHC’s finances in the face of dramatic budgetary challenges — including the health law’s reduction in special funding for safety net hospitals and state efforts to reduce Medicaid costs.
Federal Officials Try Again To Bolster Plans For People With Medical Conditions
The administration sets a second premium reduction hoping to entice more enrollees.
Q&A: Should I Consider The High-Risk Pools For Insurance Coverage?
Michelle Andrews answers a question from a reader who wonders if they should look for catastrophic insurance coverage if traditional coverage is out of reach. Consider high-risk pools, Andrews says.
Low-Income Families’ Rx For Health Reform (Guest Opinion)
For health reform to truly take root, we should take our cue from the millions of low-income Californians who have the most at stake
States Cutting Back On Drug Programs For HIV Patients
Budget shortfalls are forcing many states to tighten their AIDS drug assistance programs and bump low-income patients to waiting lists.
A Success Story: Expanding Health Care Options For Detroit’s Poor-The KHN Interview
Dr. Herbert Smitherman talks about the Voices of Detroit Initiative that tracked 33,000 uninsured people and helped get more than half of them into coordinated care systems.
Letter From California: Exchange Board Has Daunting Task
The Golden State was the first to create a health care exchange under federal law. But setting up the online marketplace will take time — and money that the cash-strapped state might not have.
The Old Practice Of House Calls Is Returning To Some Areas
Businesses and individuals looking for convenience are contracting with services that will provide same-day medical appointments at home or office.
High-Risk Health Coverage Pools Grow By 6,000 Enrollees
Numbers still remain far below estimates for the program designed to help people with pre-existing medical conditions, but cost and lack of publicity may hamper enrollment.
Q&A: My Uninsured Daughter Needs More Inexpensive Care, Where Can She Go?
Michelle Andrews answers a question from a mother whose daughter is uninsured and needs some inexpensive care. Andrews says going to a community health center may be a good option for her.
Community Health Centers To ‘Turn The Promise Of Coverage’ Into Better Care-The KHN Interview
Dan Hawkins, senior vice president of the centers’ national association, says influx of federal funding is helping them to reach out to more people.
Q&A: My Daughter With A Pre-Existing Condition Lost Her Insurance, What Can We Do?
Michelle Andrews answers a question from a mother whose daughter lost her insurance and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. What are her options to get coverage?