Census Results Affect States’ Health Spending
In 2017 alone, Census data helped direct $1.1 trillion in Medicaid and CHIP spending, according to the George Washington University Institute for Public Policy.
Modern Healthcare:
2020 Census Holds Fate Of Trillions In Health-Related Spending
For each person that went uncounted in the 2010 Census, Vermont lost more than $2,300 in 2015 federal grants for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, foster care and adoption assistance, and child care for low-income families. It's a similar story for 36 other states.In 2017 alone, census data helped direct $1.1 trillion in Medicaid and CHIP spending, according to the Counting for Dollars initiative at the George Washington University Institute for Public Policy. Another $400 billion was allocated for housing choice vouchers, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, social services block grants, Head Start, school lunch programs and the Women, Infants and Children nutrition program. (Brady, 8/25)
This Rural Town Swelled With Immigrants. But Will Census Count Them?
The October chill hit Gabriel Elias like a truck when he reached the airport parking lot in Minneapolis. He recalls surveying the cold, unfamiliar landscape. The trees looked near death. As his uncle drove nearly three hours across the Minnesota prairie, Elias began to worry. Why did his family live so far from the city? Century-old farmhouses stood in for the one-story tin-roofed houses common in the land of his birth. (Simpson, 8/25)