Surgeon General: ‘Together We Can Turn This Thing Around In Just Two To Three Weeks’
In a rosy prediction, Surgeon General Jerome Adams says that the country can reverse the current rapid escalation in coronavirus cases if all Americans follow social-distancing guidelines.
The Hill:
Surgeon General Says U.S. Can Reverse Coronavirus Surge In A Few Weeks 'If Everyone Does Their Part'
Surgeon General Jerome Adams said Sunday that the U.S. can reverse course and control the latest outbreaks of the coronavirus in just a few weeks if people follow social distancing and hygiene guidelines to prevent the spread of the potentially fatal virus. “Together we can turn this thing around in just two to three weeks if everyone does their part. More studies coming out showing the effectiveness of face coverings,” Adams said on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” adding that the disease course is about two to three weeks. (Klar, 7/12)
The Washington Post:
Surgeon General Jerome Adams May Be The Nicest Guy In The Trump Administration. But Is That What America Needs Right Now?
The test now for the surgeon general, and by extension for his patient — the United States of America — is whether nice will work. Can a nice guy wrangle and guide a confused and angry nation? Should America’s Doctor wag a finger, scare us into submission? Issue orders? Doctors’ orders? Or does this worried nation need a light touch in the midst of this dangerous pandemic? (Roig-Franzia, 7/12)