New Email Scam Involves Fake Health Law Tax Bill
In other health information technology news, researchers work on flexible bone grafts using a 3D printer.
The Wall Street Journal:
The New IRS Email Scam Coming To Your Inbox
Americans, beware: the Internal Revenue Service isn’t emailing you. Just recently, a new scam has started involving fake tax bills tied to the Affordable Care Act. In one sure sign the notices are fake, many are arriving by email—and the IRS doesn’t initiate taxpayer contact by email. Even so, some of the fakes are paper notices sent by regular mail and taxpayers should watch out. (Saunders, 9/29)
Los Angeles Times:
For Patients Who Need Bone Grafts, A 3D-Printer Could Come To The Rescue
Scientists have 3-D-printed splints for babies’ airways, faux brains to study cortical folding — and now they’ve done it with bone. A team of researchers at Northwestern University has created a highly flexible artificial bone that helps speed up recovery and that can be easily manipulated by surgeons in the operating room. (Khan, 9/28)