Post-Election, Americans Aren’t As Eager To Repeal ACA, Poll Finds
Only one in four Americans want a full repeal, down from nearly one-third in October.
Los Angeles Times:
Trump Promised To Repeal Obamacare, But It Turns Out Americans Like Most Of It, A Poll Finds
Despite sharp partisan differences over the Affordable Care Act, Democrats and Republicans, including voters who backed President-elect Donald Trump, strongly support most of the law’s key provisions, a new national poll indicates. And although most Trump voters still favor repealing the law, often called Obamacare, an increasing share of Americans overall oppose that approach, according to the poll, which was conducted in mid-November, following Trump’s election. (Levey, 12/1)
The Associated Press:
Poll: Only About 1 In 4 Wants Trump To Repeal Health Law
A new poll has found that only about 1 in 4 Americans wants President-elect Donald Trump to entirely repeal his predecessor's health care law that extended coverage to millions. The post-election survey released Thursday by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation also found hints of a pragmatic shift among some Republican foes of "Obamacare." (12/1)
Kaiser Health News:
Some GOP Voters Skittish On Full Repeal, Poll Finds
With their party gaining control of both the White House and Congress, some Republican voters are growing hesitant about outright abolition of the Affordable Care Act and instead favoring a more circumspect approach of scaling it back, according to a poll released Thursday. (Rau, 12/1)