Trump Wants Simultaneous Repeal And Replace, Dissenting Senator Says
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., says the incoming president is in agreement that there should be a vote on a replacement plan to go along with the one on dismantling the law.
The Wall Street Journal:
Donald Trump Pressures Republicans To Repeal, Replace Health Law At Same Time
President-elect Donald Trump is increasing pressure on congressional Republicans to vote at the same time to both repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but party leaders haven’t indicated any shift in strategy to make that happen. Mr. Trump’s push, combined with doubts from different factions of Republicans, could end up slowing down party leaders’ efforts to rapidly overturn much of the law. (Peterson and Bender, 1/9)
The Washington Post:
Rand Paul: Trump Open To Passing Obamacare Replacement Alongside Repeal
President-elect Donald Trump may be joining the growing ranks of Republicans in Washington who are getting cold feet about plans to rush through a vote to repeal Obamacare without a plan to replace it. Trump called Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) this weekend to discuss Paul’s push to convince the rest of the GOP not to vote later this week on a budget resolution that includes a framework for a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement plan. Paul said he spoke with Trump for approximately 15 minutes Friday and the two agreed on the need for replacement. The only hitch: Republicans don’t have one yet. (Snell and Weigel, 1/9)
The Hill:
Rand Paul Rolling Out ObamaCare Replacement This Week
Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is pledging to roll out an ObamaCare replacement bill this week as GOP lawmakers rush to nix the healthcare law. The Kentucky senator argued Monday that the law must be replaced with "real market reforms." Paul's legislation comes as the Senate is expected to pave the way this week to repealing the healthcare law. (Carney, 1/9)
How Trump Could Use His Executive Power On Obamacare
President-elect Donald Trump doesn't plan to sit back and wait for Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare. The soon-to-be dealmaker-in-chief intends to wield his executive authority to help shift the nation from the Affordable Care Act to a Republican vision for health care. "We're working on a strategy, in concert with the leadership of the House and the Senate, for both a legislative and executive action agenda to ensure that an orderly and smooth transition to a market-based health care reform system is achieved," said Vice President-elect Pence last week, emphasizing the shift will be "stable." (Luhby, 1/9)
In other news —
CQ Roll Call:
Trump Promises Support For Coal Miner Health Fix, Manchin Says
Democrats sought President-elect Donald Trump’s backing in last month’s spending showdown that brought the federal government to the brink of a shutdown over health care coverage for retired miners, and a key participant said Monday that Trump has given an assurance that he supports the effort. Sen. Joe Manchin III, D-W.Va., announced Monday that Trump gave “assurance” that he will support the effort to permanently extend health care for retired miners and their spouses. (Dillon, 1/9)