Here’s What’s In The Republicans’ Revised Health Care Bill
Media outlets offer a look at what actually is in the legislation.
The Associated Press:
A Look At The House Republican Health Care Bill
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the Republican bill would result in 24 million fewer people having health insurance by 2026, compared to Obama's 2010 statute. Here are key elements of the bill. (5/5)
The New York Times:
What’s In The AHCA: The Major Provisions Of The Republican Health Bill
Here is a summary of major provisions of the House bill, the American Health Care Act. (Pear, 5/4)
The Washington Post:
What Is In The Republican Health-Care Bill? Questions And Answers On Preexisting Conditions, Medicaid And More.
In broad strokes, the legislation has a lot of financial aspects. For instance, it would substantially reduce the funding for subsidies that the ACA provides to most people seeking health coverage through insurance marketplaces the law created. It also would make other changes to those subsidies in ways that, overall, would help younger adults and increase premiums for older people. The bill also would eliminate several taxes the ACA created to help pay for its provisions, including on health insurers and affluent Americans. (Eilperin and Goldstein, 5/4)
What's Actually In The GOP Health Care Bill
The legislation expunges Obamacare’s unpopular individual mandate requiring most Americans to have health insurance. But in its place, the bill allows insurers to charge people who have been uninsured for about two months a 30 percent surcharge on their premiums, an incentive designed to encourage people to maintain insurance coverage. (Ehley, 5/4)
Here's What's In The House Republican's Health Care Bill
The House Republican plan would eliminate the income-based tax credits and subsidies available under the Affordable Care Act, replacing them with age-based tax credits ranging from $2,000 a year for people in their 20s to $4,000 a year for those older than 60. (Kodjak, 5/4)