What’s New With The Latest Apple Watch?
News outlets examine the various features of this watch, including a separate app released by Apple Thursday that will display the wearer's heart rate when he or she puts a finger on the watch crown for 30 seconds.
The Washington Post:
Apple Now Says Its Smartwatch Tech To Detect Atrial Fibrillation Is Not For Those With Atrial Fibrillation
The fine print on Apple’s latest foray into health care carries a seemingly strange caveat: its new Apple Watch technology to detect atrial fibrillation is not intended for people who have atrial fibrillation. The contradiction sums up the deeper questions raised by the introduction of a mass-market monitoring tool for the heart. Apple’s products are designed to inspire, with clean designs and seamless operation. But health care is messy and unpredictable. (Rowland, 12/6)
The Associated Press:
EKG, Other Heart Health Features Come To Apple Watch
Apple Watch is now fulfilling its promise to let people take EKGs of their heart and notify them of any irregular heartbeat. Apple announced the heart features in September, but didn’t make them available until Thursday. The new features have been given clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are for U.S. customers only. (12/6)
Related KHN coverage: In Grandma’s Stocking: An Apple Watch To Monitor Falls, Track Heart Rhythms (Bluth, 12/4)