2,000 Doctors Join Bernie Sanders’ Call For Single-Payer Health System
In a medical journal, the physicians say that even after the federal health law, there are "persistent shortcomings of the current health care system."
The Washington Post's Wonkblog:
2,000 Doctors Say Bernie Sanders Has The Right Approach To Health Care
More than 2,000 physicians announced their support Thursday for a single-payer national health care system, unveiling a proposal drafted by doctors that appears to resonate with Bernie Sanders' call for "Medicare for All." In an editorial and paper published in the American Journal of Public Health on Thursday, the doctors call out the "persistent shortcomings of the current health care system." They warn about the risks of continuing along the path laid out by the Affordable Care Act: "down this road, millions of Americans remain uninsured, underinsurance grows, costs rise, and inefficiency and the search for profits are abetted." (Johnson, 5/5)
The Hill:
More Than 2,000 Doctors Join Call For Single-Payer Healthcare
The doctors backing the plan, like Sanders, say that ObamaCare has not gone far enough because millions remain uninsured. “Despite the passage of the Affordable Care Act six years ago, 30 million Americans remain uninsured, an even greater number are underinsured, financial barriers to care like co-pays and deductibles are rising, bureaucracy is growing, provider networks are narrowing, and medical costs are continuing to climb,” said Dr. Adam Gaffney, who co-chaired the working group that created the proposal. (Sullivan, 5/5)