Advocates Say Some Insurers Pushing To Exclude Sick Customers
Costs are so high for some with preexisting conditions that the plans have little value, some say. In Oregon, a top public health official had been previously fired from a similar post in Ohio for disparaging that agency.
Advocates Say Insurers Are Driving Away Sick Customers
The Department of Health and Human Services is currently in the initial review period for health care plans to be sold on exchanges for the 2016 open enrollment period. They’re making sure plans comply with the complex regulations in the Affordable Care Act, or ACA. But this time around, some groups are objecting to minute details in plans. Advocates and patients say some insurers are designing their benefits to drive away people with preexisting conditions. (Fitzsimons, 6/11)
The Oregonian:
Top Oregon Health Official Fired From Last Job, Report Says
A top administrator for the Oregon Public Health Division was fired from his previous high-level position at the Ohio Department of Health for discrediting the agency, according to a news report. (Terry, 6/10)