GOP Hopefuls Tied In Iowa Poll
Fifty-eight percent of that poll's republican or republican-leaning respondents said they would "rule out" a candidate who has favored a mandate to buy health insurance. In other news, a separate poll found 47 percent of Americans would support doing away with the health law. Meanwhile, protesters make their opinions known to Herman Cain and Mitt Romney.
Los Angeles Times: Cain, Paul, Romney And Gingrich Tied In New Iowa Poll
According to a new Bloomberg News poll, businessman Herman Cain leads the pack with 20 percent support among registered Republican and Republican-leaning voters, followed by Ron Paul at 19 percent, Mitt Romney at 18 percent and Newt Gingrich at 17 percent. The poll, which was taken Nov. 10-12, has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points, meaning the four candidates are in a statistical dead heat. … Like Cain, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has also seen his support slide since the last Iowa poll, which had him at 22 percent. He's now at 18 percent. Even worse, 58 percent said they would rule out a candidate who has favored a mandate to buy health insurance (Geiger, 11/15).
Politico: Poll: 47% Say Nix Obama Health Care
Splitting sharply along partisan lines, more Americans want to repeal President Barack Obama's 2010 health care reform law than want to keep it, a new poll Wednesday shows. Given an option, 47 percent of Americans favor doing away with the health care program, while 42 percent believe it should be kept in place, reports Gallup. Eleven percent had no opinion or declined to answer the question (Mak, 11/16).
Des Moines Register: Protesters Target Iowa Offices Aligned With Cain, Romney
The Herman Cain presidential campaign headquarters in Urbandale was occupied briefly at around 11 a.m. today by Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund supporters. ... In an email release sent today to the Register, CCI leaders said they delivered letters to the Cain office and the office of Romney's consultant. The letter demands that the candidates put people first, saying that Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are promises to the American people, that people need good-paying jobs not more cuts and that current financial woes are not a spending crisis, but a revenue crisis (11/15).
CNN: 'Vets Against Vouchers' Trails Romney
A handful of people wearing "Vets against VA vouchers" T-shirts showed up at Mitt Romney's economic speech in Columbia to express opposition to an idea the GOP presidential candidate has floated about privatizing health care for military veterans. …The five activists, four of them veterans, identify themselves with the Occupy Columbia movement. Navy veteran and Columbia resident Melissa Harmon, 34, waited until Romney brought up health care to reveal her T-shirt. She said she was protesting comments Romney made in South Carolina on Veterans Day when he mentioned the idea of allowing veterans to choose between a private plan and government-run system (Shepherd, 11/15).
iWatch News: Heart Testing Bill Signed By Perry Required Unnecessary Tests, Critics Charge
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, an ardent proponent of limited government, has made repealing federal health care reform a cornerstone of his presidential campaign. ... But in 2009, the governor quietly signed an unprecedented health insurance mandate into law, which some leading experts say could waste vast sums of money and provide little medical benefit. ... The 2009 measure, the Texas Heart Attack Prevention Bill, requires insurance companies to pay for CT scans and ultrasound tests that can detect heart disease (Sharpe, 11/16).