Care For 2 U.S. Ebola Patients Costs More Than $1 Million
And Americans say that the disease is a top priority to them, a Gallup polls suggests.
The Washington Post:
Cost To Treat Ebola In The U.S.: $1.16 Million For 2 Patients
It cost more than $1 million to treat two Ebola patients at the Nebraska Medical Center, said Jeffrey Gold, chancellor of the hospital’s academic partner. That’s the direct cost of providing the care, Gold said Tuesday during a hearing before the House Energy and Commerce oversight and investigations subcommittee. It doesn’t include the opportunity cost of taking those 10 beds out of service, which he estimated was close to $148,000 so far. (Sun, 11/18)
Americans Think Ebola Is A Top Health Care Problem
A new poll shows Ebola is the one of the top health concerns of Americans, below access to health care and affordable health care. Robert Siegel talks to Frank Newport, editor in chief at Gallup. (11/18)