Largest National Conference on AIDS to Open in Miami Beach
The United States Conference on AIDS will be held this weekend in Miami Beach despite Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. (NMAC release, 9/12). Sponsored by the National Minority AIDS Council, the conference is expected to draw more than 3,500 people, although registration fees will be refunded for those who choose not to attend. Since the first meeting in 1997, the conference has become the largest AIDS meeting in the United States. Miami Beach was selected because of the large minority population and the growing rate of HIV infection among blacks (Morris, Miami Herald, 9/9). The conference will begin this evening but will officially open Friday morning with a memorial to "honor" those lost to "AIDS or terrorist attacks." Sixteen seminars are scheduled and will be held throughout the weekend (NMAC release, 9/12). Topics of the conference include the growth of the epidemic in the Caribbean region and raising awareness among those at high risk for HIV infection. Presenters scheduled to speak at the conference include South African activist Winnie Mandela, Del. Donna Christian-Christensen (D-V.I.) and AIDS researcher David Ho (Miami Herald, 9/9).
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