Senate Appropriations Committee Approves $29.3B Bill Funding the Department of Homeland Security
The Senate Appropriations Committee July 10 unanimously approved a bill (HR 2555) that would provide $29.3 billion in funds for the Department of Homeland Security in fiscal year 2004 but would not provide funds for Project BioShield, according to CongressDaily Markup Reports (Gruenwald, CongressDaily Markup Reports, 7/10). Bush proposed Project BioShield earlier this year to encourage biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies to develop and produce medications and vaccines for biological agents. The legislation approved by the committee would provide $28.5 billion in discretionary funds, $150 million more than President Bush requested. The bill also includes $866 million for science and technology -- $34 million less than the House FY 2004 homeland security appropriations bill would provide but $63 million more than Bush requested. The House bill would provide $29.4 billion in discretionary funds, as well as funds for Project BioShield. The Senate will consider funds for Project BioShield in a separate bill. The Senate Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee approved the homeland security appropriations bill earlier last week (Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report, 7/10). The full appropriations committee on July 10 also approved by voice vote a series of amendments to the bill, including a provision that would provide $10 million for a center to train first responders (CongressDaily Markup Reports, 7/10).
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