Hundreds of AIDS Advocates Rally on Capitol Hill, Urge Congress To Reauthorize Ryan White CARE Act
Hundreds of HIV/AIDS advocates on Tuesday rallied on Capitol Hill to urge Congress to reauthorize the Ryan White CARE Act, which funds HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment activities nationwide, the AP/San Francisco Chronicle reports (Werner, AP/San Francisco Chronicle, 11/8). The rally was organized by the Campaign to End AIDS, which earlier this month launched 10 caravans nationwide that held rallies in more than 100 cities. The caravans converged in Washington, D.C., on Saturday for "Four Days of Action to End AIDS," which included the March To End AIDS and a "die-in" demonstration in front of the White House on Monday. C2EA is calling for a renewed commitment to the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic (Kaiser Daily HIV/AIDS Report, 11/8). Advocates at the rally carried the flags of dozens of states and then dispersed to meet with lawmakers to discuss the CARE Act, which expired in September. Last year, CARE Act programs received $2 billion in federal funding. The Senate and House are expected to vote on CARE Act reauthorization bills next year (AP/San Francisco Chronicle, 11/8).
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