Uganda AIDS Commission To Implement Five-Year Program Aimed at Reducing Spread of HIV by 40%
The Uganda AIDS Commission plans to implement a five-year strategy aimed at reducing the spread of HIV in the country by more than 40%, the New Vision/ reports. The strategy will focus on boosting the ABC approach to HIV prevention -- which stands for abstinence, be faithful and use condoms -- and on providing people living with HIV/AIDS with treatment access.
The plan aims to provide antiretroviral drugs to 80% of HIV-positive people in the country. Kihumulo Apuuli, chief of the commission, said the program will "increase access to treatment, care and support of the people living with HIV/AIDS in addition to offering prevention services to the entire population." The terms of the program were agreed upon at the United Nations General Assembly in June 2006, Apuuli said.
Apuuli also denied claims by some HIV/AIDS advocates that the program will undermine the ABC approach, saying the new program will "complement the ABC strategy" (New Vision/, 10/24).