CQ’s Carey Discusses PEPFAR Reauthorization
Mary Agnes Carey, associate editor of CQ HealthBeat, examines reauthorization of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in this week's "Health on the Hill from kaisernetwork.org and CQ."
Carey discusses the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's approval of legislation that would reauthorize PEPFAR for five years at $50 billion. Carey says the measure calls for balanced funding among abstinence, fidelity and condom programs and would require a report to Congress if abstinence and fidelity programs fall below 50% of HIV/AIDS prevention spending in a given country. A requirement in the existing law that at least one-third of HIV prevention funds go toward abstinence until marriage programs has been removed, Carey adds.
The complete audio version of "Health on the Hill," transcript and resources for further research are available online at kaisernetwork.org.