High Court Ruling’s Possible Effect On State Medicaid Programs
The New York Times: In Health Care Ruling, Vast Implications For Medicaid
The expansion of Medicaid — if it is upheld by the Supreme Court — is among the most significant parts of the law, as it will provide coverage to people with the greatest financial needs. Many health care advocates support the expansion, saying it will allow poor people to receive needed care, while many state officials, especially Republicans, worry that it will bring budget-breaking new costs. ... Arkansas illustrates not only the potential benefits but also the major challenges facing states as they plan for a larger Medicaid program. The state does not have enough doctors and other health care workers to care for all the new beneficiaries, experts say, and state officials worry about the costs (Pear, 6/15).
Meanwhile, CNN examines the effect on young adults.
CNN: For 20-Somethings, Health Care Hangs In The Balance
The legal dispute is centered around the individual mandate provision, which requires most Americans to buy health insurance or face financial penalty. While the mandate is separate from the provision that protects young adults, the court could strike down the entire legislation. This could leave millions of young adults uninsured. About 2.5 million 19-to-26-year-olds obtained health coverage as a result of the provision, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimated in December (Fox, 6/16).