IPS Reports On Research Study Examining Knowledge, Beliefs Of Cervical Cancer Among Argentinian Women
Inter Press Service reports on a research study conducted in Argentina that "explored women's knowledge and beliefs about cervical cancer, in the provinces with the highest mortality from this highly preventable form of cancer, to design more effective policies." The news service writes, "Although there are now effective tools to prevent cervical cancer, and vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) is free and mandatory for 11-year-old girls, the death rate from cervical cancer is not declining in Argentina, and the geographical distribution of the burden is extremely unequal."
"One of the authors, Dr. Silvina Arrossi, who is the scientific coordinator of the National Cervical Cancer Prevention Programme, told IPS the goal of the study was 'to find out about women's perceptions and knowledge about this type of cancer, in order to incorporate their views into prevention strategies at the design stage,'" IPS notes. The news service discusses a number of misconceptions identified through the interviews conducted during the study and adds, "The study concluded that women have only a vague understanding of this health problem, and that most are unaware that HPV, a sexually transmitted disease, can cause cervical cancer" (Valente, 3/29).
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