Human Trafficking Bill Stalled By Abortion Fight
Senate Democrats are unhappy the larger bill contains a provision banning funding for abortions and are filibustering. In the meantime, an aide to Democratic Minn. Sen. Amy Klobuchar spotted the abortion language, but failed to tell her office about it.
The Dallas Morning News:
How An Abortion Provision Stalled A Human Trafficking Bill
Senate Democrats have blocked a measure to curb human trafficking over language that bars funding for abortions. The bill, authored by Texas Sen. John Cornyn, had enjoyed broad bipartisan support until Democrats noticed that provision. Now, both sides are pointing fingers. (Abril, 3/18)
Minneapolis Star-Tribune:
Sen. Klobuchar Aide Knew About Abortion Language, Failed To Tell Boss
An aide to Sen. Amy Klobuchar knew about the controversial abortion language stuck into a bipartisan measure to help victims of human trafficking before her boss voted on it, but failed to say anything, a spokeswoman acknowledged Thursday. (Sherry, 3/19)