Minn. Study Compares Patient Health Status By National Origin, Native Language
In addition, news outlets examine how state and local immigration laws, as well as individuals' immigration status, impact health care outcomes.
Minneapolis Star-Tribune:
New Americans Struggle With Health Inequities
A report released last week by MN Community Measurement went beyond the prior comparisons of whites, blacks, Hispanics and other minority groups, and instead looked at health outcomes for patients based on their national origins and preferred languages. (Olson, 1/17)
North Carolina Health News:
Latino Newborns May Be At Risk Due To Immigration Law Fears
Regulations that give local law-enforcement officers the authority to act on federal immigration laws could have a chilling effect on the use of health care services within Hispanic communities. (Howell, 1/19)
Pennsylvania To Pay U.S. $48.8M Over Benefits To Aliens
Pennsylvania has agreed to pay $48.83 million to settle U.S. government claims it violated federal law by providing benefits to ineligible aliens under Medicaid and two other federal programs from 2004 to 2010. In a statement on Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice said the commonwealth provided improper benefits under Medicaid, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps. (1/16)