Missing In The Three-Hour Debate? Abortion. And Some Candidates Were Not Pleased By The Omission.
Despite recent legislative and funding developments across the country, the issue of reproductive rights was largely absent from the debate, which focused on topics that had already been covered in the previous ones. “If we’re going to have the SAME health care debate for the third debate, could we at least talk about reproductive rights once?” tweeted Christina Reynolds, a vice president at Emily’s List.
The New York Times:
Marathon Democratic Debate Includes No Questions About Women’s Issues
In a nearly three-hour debate, the Democratic candidates clashed on health care policy differences, offered varying plans to combat the scourge of gun violence and even discussed whether Americans should switch to a vegan diet to help mitigate the effect of farming on climate change (short answer: no). But questions on the gender pay gap and reproductive rights were entirely absent. Candidates quickly took to Twitter after the debate to note the omission, including Senator Kamala Harris of California and former Representative Beto O’Rourke of Texas. (Corasaniti and Stevens, 9/13)
The Hill:
Harris, O'Rourke Lament Lack Of Abortion Questions At Houston Debate
Within minutes of stepping off the primary debate stage in Houston, 2020 Democrats were criticizing the lack of questions about abortion or reproductive rights. “Three hours, not one question on abortion—with women's rights under attack across our country,” tweeted former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke. (Campisi, 9/12)