Democrats Launch Efforts To Educate Voters About Health Law’s Benefits
The Democratic National Committee will do targeted mailings to improve the law's image. In addition, the Obama campaign posted an interactive website to spell out the measure's benefits.
Des Moines Register: Democrats Plan Mailing To Improve Health Law's Image
Iowa is one of the states Democrats are targeting for a multifaceted campaign meant to improve opinions about the contentious law opponents have labeled Obamacare. More than 70,000 pieces of mail will be sent to Iowans this month by the Democratic National Committee, starting this week. The Obama campaign on Sunday posted a new interactive website that spells out benefits of the law, with examples tailored to whether people have private insurance, government coverage or no insurance (Jacobs, 3/12).
ABC: Million Mailers To Women Plug Obama Health Law
Seeking to expand the edge that President Obama holds over Mitt Romney among women voters, the Democratic National Committee is this week sending out 1 million mailers to women in several states to show how the health care law benefits them. The two-sided flyers aim to succeed where previous Democratic messaging campaigns have failed: to convince women voters in key general election battlegrounds that the law is laden with cost-saving benefits specially for them, and that the savings could be quickly lost if a Republican wins the White House (Dwyer, 3/12).