Questions Emerge As Dust Settles Surrounding Plan B Policy Change
News outlets offer day-after coverage of the Obama administration's reversal on the morning-after contraceptive pill.
NPR: Administration's Plan For Morning-After Pill Pleases No One
Reaction was swift to the Obama administration's announcement Monday night that it was dropping a long-running legal battle to keep age restrictions on one type of the morning-after birth control pill. But like just about everything else in this decade-long controversy, the latest decision has pleased just about no one (Rovner, 6/11).
The Associated Press/Washington Post: Morning After Pill Appears Headed To Drugstore Shelves, But Which One And How Soon? Stay Tuned
Don’t look for the morning-after pill to move next to the condoms on drugstore shelves right away — but after a decade-plus fight, it appears it really will happen. Backed into a corner by a series of court rulings, the Obama administration has agreed to let the Plan B One-Step brand of emergency contraception sell over the counter to anyone of any age. There still are a lot of details to be worked out, including whether a federal judge agrees that the government has gone far enough or whether cheaper generics can be sold without restrictions too (6/12).
Philadelphia Inquirer: Still Some Questions After White House's Plan B Shift
Don't rush to the drugstore quite yet if you are a female under 17, need emergency contraception, and have no prescription. … While Baruch said Tuesday it was "fantastic" that the Obama administration indicated Monday night it would tentatively comply with parts of federal Judge Edward B. Korman's recent orders regarding access, Baruch and colleagues did not like important details in a Justice Department letter that spelled out the government's plan (Sell, 6/12).
Medpage Today: Doc Groups OK With FDA Plan B Decision
Physician groups were generally supportive of an FDA decision to expand over-the-counter (OTC) access to the emergency contraceptive Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) without age restrictions. Multiple medical societies on Tuesday cited "overwhelming scientific evidence" of the safety and efficacy of the contraceptive for women of all reproductive ages as the basis of their support (Pittman, 6/11).