Vets Waiting For Care In Ohio Can Be Treated At Air Force Medical Center Under VA Deal
The five-year deal between Wright-Patterson Air Force Medical Center and the Department of Veterans Affairs could be a model for other regions plagued by long wait times for patients. And a VA system in Maryland is pairing mental health treatment with job services to aid struggling veterans.
The Associated Press:
Ohio Vets' Medical Care To Expand Under Air Force, VA Pact
An agreement intended to help decrease wait times for veterans seeking medical care has been forged between Air Force and Veterans Affairs officials in Ohio. The five-year agreement signed by Wright-Patterson Air Force Medical Center and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs officials allows VA medical facilities in Ohio to send veterans to Wright-Patterson's medical center for inpatient or outpatient services. (5/3)
The Baltimore Sun:
Veterans Program Pairs Job Services With Mental Health Treatment
[Wallace] Clayton was one of 675 military veterans referred last year to a Veterans Affairs program in Maryland with a dual focus: helping veterans diagnosed with mental health disorders continue treatment while getting them trained for and placed in jobs. The Compensated Work Therapy program, run by the VA Maryland Health Care System, identifies veterans who have trouble getting and keeping jobs due in part to mental health disorders and illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders and PTSD. (Mirabella, 5/2)