Viewpoints: Connecting Executive Pay With Patients; Is Technology Driving Up Health Costs
A selection of opinions on health care from around the country.
Tying Health Care Executive Pay To Patient Health
Paying for performance is a growing trend across the health care industry. Insurers have been striking deals with pharma companies that will land them discounts on pricey drugs if those treatments don't demonstrably improve patients' health outcomes; hospitals are penalized if they have high rates of patient readmissions. But this model is also making its way to the C-suite, Modern Healthcare reports. To cite just one example: Executives at Trinity Health, which operates 93 hospitals, have their pay tied to the system's overall effectiveness in keeping patients out of the hospital, lowering smoking and obesity rates, and other population health metrics. (Sy Mukherjee, 2/13)
The Health Care Blog:
Should We Blame Technology For The Growth In Healthcare Spending?
Should we blame technology for the growth in healthcare spending? Austin Frakt, a healthcare economist who writes for the New York Times, thinks so. Citing several studies conducted over the last several years, he claims that technology could account for up to two-thirds of per capita healthcare spending growth. (Michel Accad, 2/13)
Trump Can Act Against Planned Parenthood
Controversial executive orders have been a hallmark of Donald Trump’s young presidency, but it’s worth noting that there is one that he has so far refrained from issuing. During the presidential campaign, Trump said he would “defund” -- that is, stop providing federal funding to -- Planned Parenthood. He can advance that goal by executive order if he wants. (Ramesh Ponnuru, 2/13)
The Des Moines Register:
Vocal Minority Counts Most To GOP Over Planned Parenthood
The battle cry to defund Planned Parenthood was a guaranteed crowd-pleaser at GOP rallies and fundraisers throughout the 2016 campaign in Iowa. This wasn’t just a reliable applause line, it was a prompt for roars of approval. Few other issues generated as much enthusiastic reaction on the campaign trail. So what’s the deal with the new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll? It shows that three out of four Iowans support continuing state funding for non-abortion services at Planned Parenthood. (Kathie Obradovich, 2/13)
Proposed NJ Opioid Solution Is Only A Band-Aid
Gov. Chris Christie’s recent State of the State speech included the concept of placing supply limits on opioid prescriptions, a blueprint some patient-advocates would call a quick-fix, and others not a solution at all. As lawmakers such as Christie attempt to combat negative outcomes associated with prescription treatment options, elected officials must not forget about the unintended consequences that can result from proposed legislation that limits a patient’s access to medically necessary treatments. (Shaina Smith, 2/13)
Los Angeles Times:
Dr. Oz Takes On Those Bogus For-Profit Stem Cell Clinics--And Cuts Them To Shreds
The undercover investigation you’re about to see today is going to make you really angry, because we’re exposing the worst kind of scam — one that takes advantage of those most vulnerable, stealing not just their money, but their hope, their dignity.” That’s how Dr. Mehmet Oz introduces a series of segments scheduled to run on his daytime television program Tuesday. His quarry: those for-profit clinics offering supposed stem cell treatments for an implausible host of diseases — unproven, unlikely and very expensive cures. (Michael Hiltzik, 2/13)