With Wages Stagnant, Health Perks Are Often Used By Companies To Recruit And Retain Talent
A survey of human resource professionals showed health care insurance was more important than retirement or vacation benefits for employee retention. Meanwhile, workers could save serious money if they took better advantage of employer offerings like gym memberships and health savings accounts.
Forget Raises. Employers Lean On Health Benefits To Retain Workers
Wages are still stagnant, yet employers have found something else to help attract and retain employees: health-care benefits. A good insurance plan has become a more vital tool than ever for hiring, according to a recent survey from the Society of Human Resources. ... Of all the perks, however, health care was by far the most frequently used for employee retention. A full 80 percent of HR professionals in the survey cited health benefits, more than retirement and vacation, as a way to keep talent, up from 58 percent in 2012. (Greenfield, 10/21)
The Washington Post:
You Could Lose Hundreds Of Dollars A Year By Ignoring These Employee Benefits
A survey of human resource managers conducted earlier this year by the Society for Human Resource Management found that fewer than 1 in 10 thought their employees were “very knowledgeable” about the benefits available to them. ... Since it’s open enrollment season for many companies, now’s a good time to look over what your benefits package provides — and what you might be missing out on. (Moore, 10/21)