Latest KFF Health News Stories
Muchos adultos jóvenes que empezaron a vapear de adolescentes no pueden dejar el hábito
El marketing de las empresas de cigarrillos electrónicos, que promocionan atractivos nombres con sabores frutales similares a los caramelos, llevó a muchos adolescentes a probar el vapeo.
Tu deuda médica ya no afectaría tu historial de crédito
Si se promulgan, nuevas reglas ampliarían drásticamente las protecciones para decenas de millones de estadounidenses agobiados por facturas médicas que no pueden pagar.
California Lawmakers Preserve Aid to Older, Disabled Immigrants
Lawmakers passed a budget that rejected Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal to save nearly $95 million by eliminating in-home support services for qualifying older, blind, and disabled immigrants lacking legal residency. Advocates say Newsom’s plan would have cost more in the long run. Newsom has not indicated whether he’ll veto.
Indiana Weighs Hospital Monopoly as Officials Elsewhere Scrutinize Similar Deals
If Indiana officials approve a proposed hospital merger in western Indiana in the coming months, the state will have its first hospital monopoly created by a “Certificate of Public Advantage.” Other such deals have resulted in government reports documenting diminished care in Tennessee and North Carolina.
Biden’s on Target About What Repealing ACA Would Mean for Preexisting Condition Protections
A Biden campaign ad highlighting how an Obamacare repeal would affect people with preexisting conditions is mostly true.
Watch: California Pays Drug Users To Stay Clean
KFF Health News senior correspondent Angela Hart discusses a state Medicaid experiment for people addicted to methamphetamine, cocaine, and other stimulants. For every clean urine test, they can earn money — up to $599 a year.
Funding Instability Plagues Program That Brings Docs to Underserved Areas
A medical residency program designed to train future primary care physicians in outpatient rather than hospital settings has proved an effective means to bring doctors to rural and underserved areas. But it hinges on unpredictable congressional funding.
California Dabbles With Reining in Health Spending
California is now among the states trying to keep health-care costs down by setting spending caps — a task that pits public officials against a deeply entrenched and heavily lawyered set of players. It’s uncertain whether the state can get insurers, hospitals and medical groups to collaborate on containing costs even as they jockey for […]
Many Young Adults Who Began Vaping as Teens Can’t Shake the Habit
New data on substance use among young adults suggests that many former teen e-cigarette users are continuing the habit.
‘I Try To Stay Strong’: Mom Struggles To Get Diagnosis for Son’s Developmental Problems
An Alameda County mother has spent 10 months seeking help for her 4-year-old son’s speech and behavior issues from his school district and her Medicaid health insurer. She still doesn’t have an answer.
Biden Administration Advances Plan To Remove Medical Debt From Credit Scores
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau proposed federal regulations that would prevent unpaid medical bills from being counted on consumers’ credit reports.
End of Internet Subsidy Leaves Millions Facing Telehealth Disconnect
When the clock struck midnight on May 31, more than 23 million low-income households were dropped from a federal internet subsidy program that for years had helped them get connected. The Affordable Connectivity Program was created in 2021, in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, to help people plug into jobs, schools and health care by reducing their internet […]
Las pruebas para la gripe aviar son difíciles de conseguir. ¿Cómo saber si estamos en una pandemia?
Muchos laboratorios de diagnóstico están capacitados para detectar el virus. Sin embargo, la burocracia, los problemas de facturación y la falta de inversión no permiten aumentar rápidamente la disponibilidad generalizada de pruebas.
Biden Plan To Save Medicare Patients Money on Drugs Risks Empty Shelves, Pharmacists Say
President Joe Biden is campaigning for reelection on his efforts to cut costs for Medicare patients at the pharmacy counter. But independent pharmacists say one strategy makes it unaffordable for them to keep some brand-name medicines in stock.
Bird Flu Tests Are Hard To Get. So How Will We Know When To Sound the Pandemic Alarm?
If widely used, flu tests could be helpful now. In the meantime, the government needs to clear a path for H5N1 tests, researchers warn, to avoid the early missteps of the covid pandemic.
Leyes que protegen a trabajadores de California del calor extremo ayudarían a estudiantes
Estas mismas normas se extenderán a las escuelas, donde profesores, conserjes, quienes atienden las cafeterías y otros empleados suelen trabajar sin aire acondicionado, igual que sus alumnos.
Nursing Homes Are Left in the Dark as More Utilities Cut Power To Prevent Wildfires
A nursing home in Colorado had 75 minutes to prepare for a power outage that lasted 28 hours. Such public safety power shut-offs are being used more often as a fire prevention tool, but not all health facilities are prepared.
Heat Rules for California Workers Would Also Help Keep Schoolchildren Cool
Proposed state standards to protect indoor workers from extreme heat would extend to schools. The rules come as climate change is bringing more frequent and intense heat waves, causing schools nationwide to cancel instruction.
Residencias de adultos mayores quedan a oscuras en la lucha contra los incendios forestales
A medida que se generalizan los cortes de electricidad preventivos, las residencias de adultos mayores se ven obligadas a evaluar cómo prepararse. Pero no debería depender sólo de las residencias, según autoridades del sector y académicos.
Journalists Discuss Abortion Laws, Pollution, and Potential Changes to Obamacare Subsidies
KFF Health News and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media in the last two weeks to discuss topical stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.